A Mother's Tear (for Misty)
A mother’s tear is a heavy weight
To bear
For in that tiny drop of water
We find so much to weigh
That small drop has all the love
She has given
Each and everyday
Her fragile shoulders must support
The load
Of everything her children ever do
From waking to slumber
And all the growing in between
All the emotions she will
Ever need you’ll find
In that tiny drop of saline
And when she reaches out to
Give love
To a child who is not there
To receive love
The tears are heavier still
For when its only her
As it is so often
And no one else to share
The care, the love,
The hurt, the healing,
All the pleasure
All the pain, losses and gains
Only the mother to bear
The weight that is a
Mother’s tear
Then the weight is heavier
When the shoulders of the loves
In her life
Are not around in her moments
Of strife
When she struggles to stand
When the emotions are grand
And bear the weight of
That tiny little tear
To hold out a hand to help her rise
To hold her tight when
She breaks and cries
A mother’s tear is a heavy
Weight to bear
When the love it is for
Is not there to kiss it away
tsh/ 8_2009
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