wisemanspeeks poetic


wisemanspeeks poetic

positive feelings of the most high,
are the signs of peace of mind,
just before a poets writes,
truth flows from the heart ,
from outta the dark,worn feelings apart
honesty reaches for the light,
when in love there is no such thing as,
wrong or right,

the soul of a creation,
lies in the path of emotions,
what inspires devotion
has nothing to do with illusions ,
or schemes of grander,
when faced with slander,
loose lips seeking ships,

what we seek is a everyday need,
more meaningful than free,
and that is unity in all that we are,
a poet picks up his pen,
to write the rhymes again,
simplicities complex ed,
complex ed simplicities,,
round and round and round,
till we reach the speed of sound,
my love take my hand let me lead you there,
in the eye of creation,hides mystification's,
provably cause both near and far,
and that is unity in all that we are,
devotion,honor the person,
devotion,opens all doors closed,
when along,or even in a crowed room,
a poet will take his pen,
and write all feeling within,
for a poet never knows,
just when will inspiration blow,
a full heart run away mind,
will make him write every time,
a dream unending ,new beginnings,
of passions unyielding,to flames of desire,
higher,and higher,
creativity takes hold of the soul,
trying to reach where spirits soar,
unrealistic,the pen can be so masochistic,
a friend to poetic,,
or the sweet pro-claimer,
of the end of the journey,
long lost friend ,of loving again,
a poet will take his pen,
to paint a picture of a dream,
when real it all seems,,,peace wizthom,copyrights@08 wizthom


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mlea commented on wisemanspeeks poetic


Indeed your pen is a brush and you paint a vivid landscape for the reader. I enjoyed the way you were able to write about your own flows and ebbs and how they hit the paper....a peek into the mind of a poet. Thanks, mlea



as with all poet it is good to reflect upon oneself sometime



as with all poet it is good to reflect upon oneself sometime

optimistic commented on wisemanspeeks poetic


Great poem a lot of thought in this.

Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

wizthom’s Poems (24)

Title Comments
Title Comments
too busy thinking bout my baby 1
poetic words from a poetic soul 2
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red the color of passion 0
a man plead for woman 0
a poet soul 0
like a fathers arms 0
father daughter time 0
i'm free 0
my evil twin 0
wizthom loveology 1
mmm baby black cat 2
hydrostatics 2
manage my blessings 1
we are one 2
only in my dreams 0
no never 1
just when you think 1
love is a wonder 1
it's every man for himself 0
wisemanspeeks poetic 2
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