Why is it so hard to leave you


  • Love

    Why is it so hard to leave you

    I’m having such a hard time, …. Believing we can stay in tune with that which made us bloom.

    My first instinct is to think we’ve run our course and that you could easily endorse another such “ good man “ without remorse.

    They are out there … and I’m painfully aware that a good woman such as you could be made to understand this too.

    It’s not that I have such a lack of confidence in me or who I am. It’s more an understanding of how people are …. coupled with my experience thus far and the way the chips tend to stack.

    Opportunity knocks occasionally and rarely twice in the same place you see. People are what God made them to be … which is human and fragile whose hearts are forgetful as well as agile. They’re fickle and hard to please. It’s this trait that’s had me on my knees to various degrees throughout my meandering life.

    So if it’s in you to make the switch …. To something closer and upgradish, just remember I called it early on. It’s rarerer than rare to make this type of pair and I’m aware of all the reasons you might have for not being there.

    But if it lasts until I’m there the love that I will bare for you will be enough to scare all comers who would try to snare you and steal the only woman for whom I’ll ever again care.

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    Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

    Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

    Johnstradamus’s Poems (12)

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