What would I do ?


  • Death

    What would I do ?

    If it were the end,
    What would I do?
    Would I forgive everyone?
    Could I make a mends?
    Will I hold a grudge to the grave?
    Or would I let it all go?
    To be a free slave,
    Keep it inside so no one would know?
    Would I find a resolution?
    In a game I can not win.
    Or take the hate with me?
    To forever give into sin.
    Will I realize that nothing really matters?
    Or that it never did.
    Would I be at peace?
    When they closed the lid.
    Will I keep playing the game?
    To hold on to my hate.
    In the end what would I do?
    I'd keep fighting till my death,
    To see my own peace thru.

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    Vincent commented on What would I do ?


    (GP) forgive and find peace.

    Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

    Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

    libra46’s Poems (27)

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