Tortured Einstein


  • Philosophy

    Tortured Einstein

    A tortured Einstein in a world so benign

    Where souls are diminished and pacifists sign

    The malignant order of “We” man kind. 


    Eyes see the world in its pitiful state

    The tears, the torrent, the putrid hate

    His emotions prepare for their eminent fate

    Twisted and tortured from the benevolent thoughts

    of a world of bad deeds where emotion is lost

    Shakes his head softly and considers their cost

    Confused and conflicted, his head flies back,

    Tears stain his face in a fierce attack

    His thoughts are bleeding........ his body goes slack

    And the stars cry for him with an empathy rare

    It is oneness not loneliness, this warrior’s lair

    He’s a concrete abstract, in a world void of flair


    Slowly he picks his way through the masses

    Of souls who claw at his face as he passes

    He makes his way home... on his tears...and collapses



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    If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

    Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

    Bluejeans’s Poems (2)

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