The Storm


  • Lost Love

    The Storm

    The promises and unforgetable words of romance
    The Incomparable attentive gaze in your eyes
    everytime we would speak
    Assured me that together we would be
    Easily I fell for your indescribable ways
    Little by little you took possession of what wasn't yours
    Blinded by the smiles and the captivating lexis of expression
    I hadn't realized how strong my feelings had grown for you
    Into the night like a perverted stole my heart
    And molested my soul....
    Then the night grew cold and the storms raged
    Alone you left me in the seas of the unknown
    Windswept emotions in the eyes of a girl..
    Girl who only wanted to give love...
    And to be loved
    But only vanished into the vigorous winds of the
    malicious mind of one they call a man

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    mamasan commented on The Storm


    Well, as they say in the movies, moving right along. It is good your gathering some experiences; and just be careful because like I said that when eating from a delicious choclate box.....sometimes the caramel snags your do be careful Experiences are great for the soul and they leave imprints that sometimes chart our way thru life. Happy day to you and enjoy. YOur writing is great........

    khagedon commented on The Storm


    Hey that was good. Makes me realize I have a lot of work to do. I felt it.

    MsNicsty commented on The Storm


    "you stole my heart And molested my soul" I liked that line, I feel what you are saying. Keep up the good work.

    Poetry is what is lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    CaramelHoneyDip’s Poems (6)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    That's why I love You 0
    Love? 0
    UnFinished Poetry 0
    ohh yes thats me! 2
    What it This 1
    The Storm 3