The Movie


  • Life

    Poem Commentary

    "The Movie is what our lives are all about"

    The Movie



    There's a part of me.

    That most cannot see.

    The Memories inside of me.


    As the day slips away you continue to stray from the world you lose stride. You're along for the ride. It's a race to the end.That nobody can win. It’s a chase for a day.To have fun, simply play. 

    Hop on in. Step inside. 

    It is FREE can't you see?
    It's a living MOVIE without wonder or hate.

    Hey, you just can't be late.

    Cutting through all the bushes.
    Hey, you must have been CLUELESS.
    We cut down all those trees for our own simple needs.
    Built a House from the EARTH. Now it's late, it's a mess so we simply address.

    That the EARTH you and me, have such GREAT ENERGY.

    We won't run out of GAS.

     It is short it won’t last.

    Now the damage is done but we still have the sun.
    What will be?

    We shall see.

    The upcoming MOVIE.

    Ken Douglas

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