the day i lost you


  • Lost Love

    the day i lost you

    the day was sunny and cold
    i though we were just fine
    then came the snow
    it was cold and i couldnt wait to be by your side
    soon you came by
    holding my heart in your hand
    it was shattered

    ive been pasting the peices together and on every piece
    its repeated the day i lost you

    we use to laugh and enjoy our selfs
    have fun as if we were young children in a play yard
    our stupid jokes no one else understood
    thats what made us one

    the tears now roll down my face
    as i remeber the great days we spent
    that year and a half i though i had you
    then the day came where i lost you

    i wonder now do the tears come to your eyes
    do the memories haunt your dreams as they do mine
    what else is there to do ?

    the day i lost you has past
    i dont have you anymore
    im gonna repair my heart and show you
    how much you need me

    soon youll see the day you lost me

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    BabyGurl91 commented on the day i lost you


    i KNoW WHaT uR GoiNG THRouGH ... i JuSS WeNT THRouGH THa SaMe THiNG. iT HuRTS .. i'M NoT GoNNa Lie ... BuT ... iF uR CoNFiDeNT eNouGH N uRSeLF ... THeN u CaN MoVe oN PaST HiM. ((eVeN iF He WaS uR FiRST LoVe))

    The true philosopher and the true poet are one, and a beauty, which is truth, and a truth, which is beauty, is the aim of both.

    Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet (1803-1882)

    destinylove’s Poems (4)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    i miss him 0
    just another day 0
    if for one day 0
    the day i lost you 2