The Beach


  • Nature

    The Beach

    There's a place on earth
    Where you can walk and feel warmth
    The smell of it, is invigorating
    It urges my body to go swimming
    There's a wave approaching the shore
    A guy goes in with his surfboard
    As I put my towel on the sand
    I put sunscreen on my hand
    Made sure I spread it all over
    To avoid getting skin cancer
    Finally, I go in the water
    Probably stayed in for an hour
    I'm happy that the beach
    Is within my reach

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    sunshine33710 commented on The Beach


    As well as you do I love to go the beach and my kids as well. Although I wish I can go with just my hubby and I so I can get some sun. I love to swim, as I was told when I was younger I swam like a fish. lol!



    Thanks for reading and commenting.

    BikemanRJ commented on The Beach


    I wish I was on that beach you made me feel the warmth of the sun and smell the salt water in the air. Good Poem God Bless BikemanRJ



    Thanks for reading the poem. Glad I could awake your senses of the beach.

    earthly commented on The Beach


    I love the beach too and your words helped put a smile on my face just dreaming about going-it will be awhile yet-lol...Earthly



    I'm glad I can put a smile on your face, that's my intention. I appreciate the comment.

    gogant commented on The Beach


    With these words, Blue, you can carry one away to the warmth of the smiling sun on the white sand that tingles one's toes...forever and a day......................Simply charming........................gogant



    Thanks Gogant again for your comment. I appreciate it.

    In science one tries to tell people, in such a way as to be understood by everyone, something that no one ever knew before. But in poetry, it's the exact opposite.

    Franz Kafka (1883-1924) Czech writer.

    blueberry’s Poems (12)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Our Charming Secret 0
    Emergency Call 1
    A Dream of Freedom 0
    Work 6
    Dance 7
    You Can 4
    The Power to Convert 16
    Unforgettable Dream 6
    Cupid's Bow and Arrow 3
    A Place On Earth 4
    The Beach 4