Sorry I Am Not Talkative



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My friend mike T is a black man from gary Indiana. I grew up with him since I was 18. He is now incarcerated on hear say of trafficking cocaine. He is one of the most loyal people I know. There for the world around me seems alien. There for no one makes sence to me unless I can relate, but how do you relate when you dont want to make friends cause of the pain the loss can cause you.


Sorry I Am Not Talkative

I sit in a room filled with people yet I am alone.

A heart that once was tender now is outlined with stone.

For what trust I had was lost with my friend.

Gone sent away sentenced to the pen.

Like a brother mentor and father was this man.

That when he left my faith was shattered like glass and scattered like sand.

Now I am alone amognst people who demand trust and respect like it grows on tree's.

I wish respect and trust could be a breeze.

How many times had I fallen but caught by my friend before I hit my knee's.

and these people look at me like I'm weird but they've never respected me they never gave me a chance.

Through my ideas away and cast me aside without a second glance.

Yet it took a man older and a different color than me to see.

That i have potential and I can be what I want be.

Regardless of what I look like or how I dress.

So why should I get to know you if all that will happen I'll have to repress.

For any one can go or begone for a mistake in life.

But splitting up a bond is like cutting turkey with a dull knife.

Its agonizing and hard and not very smart.

This is why rock has engulfed my heart.

For what was there can never be again.

All because of a unforgiven sin.

So excuse me if I don't want to talk.

But you'll either be a statistic or out lined in chalk.

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supplyofgrace commented on Sorry I Am Not Talkative


Wow this is a sad poem, it really lets others knows actions can hurt others! Good Job!

Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

joeskeet’s Poems (4)

Title Comments
Title Comments
What happen to yesterday. 2
Replay. 4
Inside 5
Sorry I Am Not Talkative 1