"War Games"


  • Political

    "War Games"

    Who shot the first rocket
    really doesn't matter does it?

    Who suffered the first casualty?
    the answer doesn't flatter, does

    How much blood's been splattered?
    in the air is chit chatter, codes and
    doors shut tight, locked forever closed
    well to the public for sure

    Leaders leading us in the wrong direction
    taking no constructive criticism, hearing no
    objections, families being torn apart, how can
    we tell the difference between two exposed hearts?

    Flags folded neatly, words chosen carefully, discretely
    sons lost in the mayhem, daughters never to be seen
    again, the cause has yet to be defined, while the
    lives and limbs disappear, from roadside mines

    The news report 65 souls in one month alone, why
    isn't that enough to bring them home? how can
    they fight and win, that which they can't see, would
    our leaders deploy their children? ask and see

    Oil, oh did I mention Oil? Is there any honesty left
    in this world? a Pandora's box has been unleashed
    too much grief from Iraq's streets, what a crooked
    hand we were dealt, is this war all about wealth?

    Shame on those who know it is, have they ever thought
    about those who died, probably wanted to live? I know
    it's not politically correct to say these things, yet we desperately
    need a change, because let's face it, no one wins at "War Games"

    Poet:Tina Marie Clark
    Copyright: 2007

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    ginga commented on "War Games"


    tina how very true and don't worry about politically correct(I would delete that line)since you are writing in a cynical voice. I appreciated the humanity you shared here ginga

    CaramelHoneyDip commented on "War Games"


    your an amazing writter

    Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion.

    T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

    Tinamarie2’s Poems (4)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    " I'm Beautiful " 1
    " The First Black Lady " 1
    "War Games" 2
    "My Life Without You" 3