musiqchild04’s Profile

  • Age: 40
  • Location: Autaugaville, AL
  • Gender: Male
  • Country: United States
  • Public Profile URL:


I am 6'0'' weight 163/170 good lookin. I luv myself and keep God #1 n my life. Yo I consider myself to be pretty cool Kat most of the tyme. I try to have good qualities as a person and try to keep neutral in sitautions. I hate peps who play games all da tyme thinkin emotions is sumthin to play wit. I'm always open to listen to new ideas and views and try to understand them even if they are the opposite of mine. It doesn't mean I'll be convinced but I am willing to listen and learn other point of view. I'm a very shy person. I'm pretty quiet around people I've just met. After I get to know people better then, I'm more relaxed around them, I open up and am quite a funny and fun person. I'm pretty flirtation and sarcastic and humourous. LOL! I'm somewhat a bit crazy if U fuck wit me. People usually think I'm a very serious person, but that's only because they don't see the other crazy side of me. My family and close friends are the only people who truly see the extent of where my madness goes. I'm a very understanding person. I always put myself in the other person's shoes and try to understand what they're feeling, what they're thinking and where they comin from. I try to never be judgemental and to always give people the benefit of the doubt. I'm a good friend summin U can take 2 ir momma house. !LOL! I'm always there for my friends, ready to listen, give advice and help. Some people think I'm not sincere bout certain situation. In reality, I'm just someone who is good at making you see your words that may affect others don't affect me and who knows how to control his temper. I'm a pretty good person. Nice, honest, loyal, thoughtful, kind and blunt im str8 2 da point kind of guy...


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Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

musiqchild04’s Poems (4)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Mind Seeker 1
Why Pain 1
I Wonder 0
Life's a Struggle 1