lostmemories’s Profile
- Age: 72
- Location: Phoenix, AZ
- Gender: Female
- Country: US
- Public Profile URL:
My Name is Rose Mary, like the flower I have a few thornes. I am retired I spend time growing plants, flowers, and trying to write.
I have been working on a little book of poem,s for some time . Life is ever changing as each day brings smiles, up one,s - down one,s. Writting is not easy for me, who spells to a different beat, one of simple sounds that are not phoneticlly correct . ( Spell check has not been a great help.) So looking up most every word becomes a challenge . My mind flows with wonderfuly flamboyant words , moving them to print can be over powering, for one as simple as myself.
I have been told to write as I see the words in my mind , but only one such as myself would be able to read them.
I belive every one should enjoy poetry.