lionheart’s Profile

  • Age: 82
  • Location: Utica, MI
  • Gender: Male
  • Country: United States
  • Public Profile URL:


Born and raised in Michigan, I have always enjoyed the rain and the hypnotic effect it has on me. The rhythmic sounds of rain seem to relax me and open my mind to thoughts of loved ones and/or past memories. It is this state of mind that inspired my published poem “Lady in the Mist” and several other poems I have written.

I have had one other poem published. “Close Friends” was actually the first poem I had ever written. I am presently writing an autobiographical novel with a tentative title of “Men Don’t Cry”. It is actually a survival book based on my 27 year struggle with heart disease and diabetes.

When I was a child, I enjoyed drawing horses. I loved the animals so much, that I worked at a stable for free. After I graduated from high school, I served in the US Army, spending time in Europe during the “Berlin Crisis”. I developed my talents as a portrait artist during my time in the military. At Fort Leonard Wood in Missouri, I worked fulltime as an artist for the Army. I also played lead guitar in a band while stationed in France with the Army.

After serving in the military, I settled in the Detroit area, working as a firefighter and later learned the art of cabinet-making and fine carpentry, becoming a Master cabinetmaker. My experience and expertise landed me a position as carpenter at the Renaissance Center in Detroit, Michigan and eventually as the Architectural Department Supervisor.

Sipping a cup of freshly brewed coffee and listening to the gently falling rain
outside my open window, I am reminded of simpler times when I was a child.
I would lie in bed listening to Muddy Waters and John Hooker on my old radio. It had an antenna fashioned from a length of wire hanging out the window for improved reception.

My head would be propped up on a pillow laid on the windowsill and the cool breezes would cause the rain to splatter gently against my face as I drifted off to sleep with a serene smile. I would dream of magnificent herds of wild horses running free in a beautiful valley encircled by purple hued mountains
with white caps, swimming in my favorite swimming hole, fishing in the bayou with my brother, ice skating on our homemade ice rink with my sister and brother, majestic eagles in flight, and cats eye marbles.

As an adult, the rain still has that same effect on me. Listening to its rhythmic patter and watching the falling rain causes me “drift away” and to reflect on events and/or loved ones in my life for a precious moment. This inspires some of my poetry. I enjoy writing short, emotional, meaningful poems that capture that moment in time.
I am presently writing a book based on my life long battle with heart disease and more recently, diabetes. This is a survival book. It tells of the events in my childhood that I believe led to or in some way contributed to my cardiac problems of today. I will allow you inside my mind as a child and young man so you can feel my emotions for yourself. You will also be inside my mind as I go through some very traumatic cardiac events that put me on the brink of death numerous times. If only one person recognizes the warning signs of a heart attack because she/he has read this book and their death is prevented, then all my efforts in writing my story will have been worth it.

I am a retired Architectural Department Supervisor for the Renaissance Center in Detroit, a cabinetmaker by trade, and an award-winning artist who enjoys painting with words as much as painting with a brush.


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When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.

John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA

lionheart’s Poems (7)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Lady in the Mist 0
Rain 1
Reminiscence 1
A Moment in Time 0
Heart Attack 0
The Zone 0
Fishing with my brother, Ed. 0