gregaone’s Profile

is outta here!!!

  • Age: 17
  • Location: Frankton, IN
  • Gender: Male
  • Country: United States
  • Public Profile URL:


do ya wanna read a real poet's work? Read baybie_rawr's work...she's rough around the edges but she is a REAL POET. this girl is an early teen..dont be surprised if you see her again in the future..


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Lazarus profile comment


see,dirtbag,she got it,i do the unedited,version,from my memory,you spoiled biatch ginga on 05-01-2009 Laz I am trying to rate "this is Not America, and no matter how far to the left I scroll over the feathers it keeps coming up #4. I can't figure that out?? Ths poem is also a deep and complicated message with scorn, angst, and much truth in it. Keep on writing your songs and recording. This is what you wered meant to do. ginga Remove Comment Reply To Comment

Lazarus profile comment


guess what",my poem that you berated,was rushed straight from my mind,not thought of oin missed the levity,"mental midget".i deliberately don't spell check,cause i'm in a rush on the pubic library computer,cause my laptop keeps 5000 poems,which actually consist,of play vinettes,all wriiten in less than 10 minutes,say it all "penultimatley".you would be called a tool to yourself,if we knew each other,or a douchebag.the poem was transcribed properly into books,and songs,published yeArs ago,"mr. or mrs.,snap albums took only months to complete,15 of them,5 before software used nowadays.look up meems,or engrams,cause i never google words at least wiki them either.this is not america 2 on,my first poem on here,is a masterpiece,even not cpied from my notesv the way the rest of you pseudointellects claim sentience over me. go now,so that i may foreever hold my peace of mind ,cause i don't wish to intend you the pain that your crapping all over me. bless you sir loveliness i mean it,never contact me again because your assumptions were painfully flawed.its making me ill,inside,cause no one but giga and yourated it,and you busted one of my faves to pieces,so thanks. i never critisize peeps,unless they ignorantlty if unintentionaly bust my balls.validation and suggestion,not so called constructive ctitisism,"sheep hurder,dream muder,quasi misanthropic,hyper cubeed,"blockhead"

Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.