devious1’s Profile

is happy

  • Age: 49
  • Location: Pottsville, PA
  • Gender: Male
  • Country: United States
  • Public Profile URL:


like to have fun


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BigDaddyCash profile comment


First of all let me thank you fir joining my circle of friends. I'm proud to have you as a friend. I love to write more than anything else I do. I read everything that's available and write about everything and anything. I love writing children’s stories as well as adult fantasies. Give me a topic, any topic, and I'll write about it. I write in a language that's not to prestigious and I write for the reader of average intelligence. I have one published book called Total Recovery that I wrote as a bible for the substance abuser and I’m working on a novel called Letters to Elena. I’ve written songs (both lyrics and music) and I’ve written 1001 poems, all styles. I just entered a poem in the weekly original poetry contest read it and rate it if you get a chance. The poem is called “Lady Luck and Deprivation” actually it’s two poems in one submission. If you read it be sure and watch the video that goes with it, the links in my commentary. LOL, BDC



thank you for adding me

To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

devious1’s Poems (3)

Title Comments
Title Comments
tripping on life 0
untitled 1
untitled 0

devious1’s Friends (3)