blueser’s Profile
is a wannabe
- Age: 62
- Location: edm.ab.
- Gender: Male
- Country: Canada
- Public Profile URL:
Who'd of ever suspected?One word to make all the difference in the world!As time goes by,maturity's not optional;however Spiritual maturity by discernment progresses this non-optional process so quickly,the day'll come when things're brought to light/that you'll find it hard to believe you could ever possibly have been so mistaken...start @ JOHN 1:1(all that's required is for you to believe,and you too could be in for an abrupt awakening!)Here's wishing and praying for all the best with that,but you should know that all the most comes with it...
Recent Poems
- colorfade
- Tags: Life, Sadness
- When i was young i viewed the world in terms of black and white,and in every situation,i determined wrong from right.But with the passing of each year as colors ...
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