abzidion’s Profile
- Age: 44
- Location: Southfield, MI
- Gender: Male
- Country: United States
- Public Profile URL:
Abzidion for absolute-zero as in absolute zero degree's Kelvin. As in the coldest temperature in existence. Everything starts at zero, blackness, nothing before the light shines in. The complete and utter chill before the warmth. I am that nothingness, that emptiness before the light illuminates with its shine to fill the darkness and heat to stave off the cold. For there cannot be one without the other. I am the coldest, i mean cool, cooler than the other side of the pillow. I am the beginning. To fade all into nothingness, for a fresh start. I am no villain nor hero. I am Abzidion. I AM ABSOLUTE ZERO.
Recent Poems
- Fools and Flies
- Tags: Philosophy
- Fools and Flies Why do these flies fill there heads with summer lies Why do summer lies buzz around there brains like flies in the summer skies Summer skies ...
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- True Prince of darkness
- Tags: Dark Poetry
- True Prince of Darkness I woke up in a haze My mind to no end at the heart of a maze Now I’m adjacent to the plane of the physical level An find myself in no ...
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- The Night I made love to the Beach
- Tags: Erotic
- The Night I made love to the Beach Maybe I’ll take a walk on the beach Sand hills remind me of tanned thighs on a thick legged woman The thought of it goes deeper ...
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