WntrComet’s Profile
- Age: 69
- Location: Killeen, TX
- Gender: Female
- Country: United States
- Public Profile URL:
"This, would not be, so much of a biography: As, to how I think most of the time."
"If, only the spaces of memory, that have been hidden, could be activated and reproduced in a manner to which the concious mind would understand. Then the sub-concious facts, would no longer have a need to be stored, and therefore, the capacity of inner and outer conciousness could be one."
"As is--As was--As always will be."
Cat-Paw, aka (Cathy)
Recent Poems
- Tags: Epic
- A person may question the purpose of existance, the meaning of living and breathing. Have great respect for the strength and purpose to continue and succeed. To ...
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