RainDanser’s Profile
is working
- Age: 68
- Location: Clinton, AR
- Gender: Female
- Country: United States
- Public Profile URL:
Interests: Art, i love drawing, playing with clay, searching the woods for dried flowers and natural things for art projects, coffee houses, Poetry (Leonard Cohen, e.e. cummings, Rod McKuen...), playing in the rain, walking in woods, playing with my grandkids, sitting on my porch at night and listening to the quiet, the frogs, crickets, and feeling a nice cool breeze blowing on me, camping, i love the ocean; the sound and smells of it, candlelight, bubblebaths, hot raspberry chai tea, windy days, cloudy days, ballet ( i danced for 13 yrs) . i love when a man is a gentleman (there are so few these days), romance, thunderstorms (without the threat of tornadoes)....these are a few of my favorite things. :)