PoeticSoul07’s Profile
is feeling like I´m on CLOUD 10, because 9 doesn´t have enough room!
- Age: 35
- Location: Kinston, NC
- Gender: Female
- Country: United States
- Public Profile URL:
I am all of the elements of God´s earth; all of the children that´s been birthed. I am a free spirit, searching for life´s long awaited freedoms.
I am a daughter, a cousin, a friend, a sister, a confidant, but most of all, I am different.
Any questions?! Ask and you shall receive (an answer), but please, refrain from asking anything ignorant.
Thank you,
With Love, Truth, and Respect,
Alecia R.
No photos added.
Recent Poems
- Big Words (Simple Message)
- Tags: Life, Soul, Real
- The magnification of my exponential view Gives to me the necessary factors To organize my daily thoughts into a recognizable order. For each misunderstanding, I ...
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- And a Myriad of This...
- Tags: Life, Soul
- I am the night sky, Full of beauty and mystery, but the reality is no one cares to take time to notice. I am like water, Willing and able to be purified, But a contaminated ...
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