Jaahero’s Profile
- Age: 44
- Location: South Africa
- Gender: Male
- Country: Nigeria
- Public Profile URL:
I wasn't born a Poet, but the blood inside me rythmicaly and lyricaly flowed.
I was burn in Africa where the nature is complete,I have envolved in different kind of art in life,but finally I discovered the art of 'word', which is the most powerful tool of all time;but during creation and this time.
To all that write;I say "let those words out, let those words flow because you might never know which of them would save the earth.
Let the words,let the words flow"
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Recent Poems
- The Prologue of My Love
- Tags: Passion
- Here to love, to heart Thence begins the prologue of my love. With all its fury, I saw: But an entity, Vacant to echo my loneliness heart. Ambitious to fill, ...
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