Hscninja’s Profile
- Age: 36
- Location: Omaha, NE
- Gender: Male
- Country: United States
- Public Profile URL:
Just a guy looking for constructive criticism. I usually write direct poetry, actually to someone or about something specific. Not sure how often I will post but when I do I hope you enjoy. :) Also please don't steal poetry from other people. They aren't your feelings or emotions and never will be. They are individual to each person, so if you steal it, you are a fake. Have fun with that life.
Hidden flowers speak,
Secrets never to be known,
Their thoughts are a dream.
No photos added.
Recent Poems
- **Gan Aifeala**
- Tags: Devotion
- Drowning, falling, slipping away my dreams are things I cannot say. For the desire and hope, for what I need Its the waiting that causes my heart to bleed. The ...
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