FreeBird02’s Profile

  • Age: 134
  • Location: Enid, OK
  • Gender: Male
  • Country: US
  • Public Profile URL:


I have been from shore to shore in these illusionary drifting sands through the heat waves by day and mystical foggy mists by night. In these journeys, of a blind mans mind, I have climbed the highest peaks, swam to the deepest fathoms of the insperational sea. In doing so; I have learned the difference in when one looses more, looses less. But all in all I have learned one should follow their heart, for, pride will abandon them when all that is left is those who honestly believe in them. For once I stood on top of the world and had friends untold. Then came one swooping wave of time, where all was smoothering me in this vast cavern of tragedies. No friends even held a candle lights, to and through the end of the tunnel of longing for deeper vision of recovery. Now one may never know the climax to the stories untold, but dedicated persistency pays... For I am Back.


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Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

FreeBird02’s Poems (30)