

  • Spiritual
    • Savant

    Poem Commentary

    He is The only reason My tortured soul Still shines like gold So I gotta Keep believing The future’s bright Though it’s still untold. Keep achieving The first son won’t fold. Gonna control the flow So nobody gotta go so low And if the sun grows cold, Believe he been on his knees So that won’t stop no show. We would just be Feeding our seeds Under a heap of snow. Truly a new me Like you aint Never seen me before.


    Overcome a narrowed perspective.

    See a miracle in the everyday, ordinary,

    Unexpected, often rejected.

    Find an angel in a familiar face.

    Creeping from heart to heart

    To deliver the message.

    Transcending all understanding

    Find love.

    Immune to seasons

    Unbound by reason

    Commonly classified as strange

    But resistant to change.

    Consistently proving providence

    But only by faith

    Can you see something you’ve never seen before.

    Poem Comments


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    DeepEclipse commented on Perspective


    Nice. Where pride sees obstacle, humbleness sees opportunity. I see the soul becoming more flexible, adaptive. Almost like no longer seeing rights and wrongs, just going where there is and knowing where there isn't. Like water, as Bruce Lee said. That picture brings a great many meanings to mind........:)



    LOL. Spiritual voyeurism if you will. Thanks for stopping through Deep. Always an honor to hear from you.

    MagicRock commented on Perspective


    I love this poem. As Dr. King said wrote and did, you are "Speaking truth to Power." We cant see without Him.



    The thing that amazes me most is that if you really pay attention, you can see Him in everything, and some people don't see Him at all.

    Niecy commented on Perspective


    I Loved how you telescoped the TRUTH through 'Perspective'! Seem always to come or have to be the Miracle for acceptance with the majority! Absolutely devine! Love your ink and those thought provoking titles and topics Savant! I must read more of you!!! You're already Blessed so keep on being a Blessing!



    I receive the prophetic words you speak! Thanks for stopping by and thanks for encouraging me.

    SavVySam commented on Perspective


    Heads were made to turn in both directions for a purpose Perspective...So much understanding could be gained and pitfalls avoided! I enjoyed the variety and style employed as much as your wonderful poetic touch! Fine work!



    Thanks Savvy. My soul has a rhythm and I tried very hard to ignore that beat in this piece and say what I wanted to say directly, but poetically.

    To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    Savant’s Poems (5)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Morning 2
    Kind Words 6
    Perspective 4
    Corners 24
    State of Man 45