One in a million years


  • Spiritual
    • Seasons
    • My new book, "Pretty, Never Saved Me No Pain," is now available!

    One in a million years

    Breath graced the nostril of man, millions of seasons ago,
    unwarranted dust, 
    A Mighty hand created
    wanderers of the earth's crust 
    as pleasures for Himself,
    while man roamed self-defeating
    layers of the suns heat depleating
    Last days move upon us fast
    900 years of life
    now 75 the best last
    God is who will save you for
    the day of wrath

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    dahlusion commented on One in a million years


    "who will save you for the day of wrath"—whose wrath? And we can only save ourselves from the mythological god's who are [all of them] tired, rundown, old, and useless. Some unique poetic lines. Bravo!!

    Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion.

    T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

    Seasons’s Poems (2)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    "Spiritual Highlights" 0
    One in a million years 1