My Dove


  • JAlden
  • After a couple years gone, I think it's about time I made a return. Time to upload some poetry.

My Dove

I once a dove possessed,
From heavens was she set
To live life unrepressed,
To never be depressed.
I never wished regret,
So gently I caressed
The dove I often let
Fly free from care and fret.

But Life didst turn and sting,
My lovely little dove, 
For down her hopes did fling
And clip her pure white wing.
She fell from up above,
Her cry, so soft did ring,
I caught, and held my love:
My sweetest, little dove.

So now I hold her near,
To take what pains may come,
To slay her every fear,
To know I love her dear.
“My heart was never numb,”
I whisper in her ear,
“My love, in speaking, dumb,
“Shall always, with you, come.”

With these new wings of hope,
Her spirit with me flew,
On currents soft with bliss,
In skies of cloudless blue.

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jandh4ever commented on My Dove


wow. that poem is amazing. you do such a good job writing

GentleT commented on My Dove


I get the innocents of the dove, loving and trusting, only to be hurt by those with cruel intentions. So you learn a little reserve but still try to look at life positively.

RHPeat commented on My Dove


I love the rhymes; I like the meter even more, but the line reversals to make the rhymes I abhor. They give me the sniffles. Even more I dislike the archaic use of word; it appears too blurred they're endless crimes I cannot abide don't be sore I do not chide I am just me and that is plain to see you can still be a friend nothing has to end

Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

JAlden’s Poems (20)

Title Comments
Title Comments
The Phantom and the Beast 0
The Artist 1
The Place I Know 0
Making Sense of Things 1
The Star Beyond My Sight 0
The Greatest Gift 1
Meditations on a Hillside 0
For Christine 0
Conversing With the Stars 1
A Quiet Nighttime Meditation 1
The Song of Orpheus 5
The Hall of Memory 6
Avalon 2
My Dove 3
On Life 2
The Dreaded Book of Nevermore 2
To the Sylph 1
The Olympian 2
A Lullaby 3
Your Eyes 3