

  • Nature
    • Teardrops
    • in case this site disbands you can reach me at i hope we all can stay together


    Soft lavender layers of life are peeled from the dawn by the birth of a new day.
    The darkened skies awaken in a purplish glow as the red of the sun appears upon the horizon.
    It radiates like the smile of a child as it slowly creeps into view and the world seems to awaken from the slumber of the night.

    In the dimly growing light of dawn, shapes appear where there once was only darkness.
    The multi hued layers of dark scurry as if they would melt in the warm sunlight as it infiltrates the air.
    The beauty touches all that is possible by its spreading arms of morning.

    The small clouds of moisture begin to rise from the grass that was hugged by the droplets of dew.
    The pond takes on a smoky cast as the water yields to the warmth of the morning.
    The dawn rises slowly as if the sleep from the eyes of Mother Nature were slipping away into the warming air that kisses the water's mirroring surface .

    Life awakens as the birds greet the day and the city becomes alive as if a beehive  that has warmed in the new day's sunlight.
    It is then we see the worker bees take flight for they live to serve and life they know it requires them to give their all for it is a day of toil not pleasure.
    We can watch and choose our own path for we have been given the dominion over the beauty that can be seen if only we allow our own world to grow with the beauty that is around us.

    Marie Jacobs 9/9/2012

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    kdarcy commented on Metamorphosis


    Soothing and peaceful. Marie, where are you? Please come back, hope you are well ... k



    hi missed you too and glad you liked this one and I am here Marie

    tierra7 commented on Metamorphosis


    Hi Marie,I always enjoy readin' you . its a bein' hugged feelin' as I read, and walk away with such remarkable peace.. Love & Light, Tierra @}-'-,

    poett commented on Metamorphosis


    This poem made me think of one of my favorite songs. Pocketful of sunshine by Natasha Bedingfield. That song always makes me smile cause it makes me see a new day in a special way. I think your poem gives the same effect to me. Everyday is a chance to explore a new as if we are looking for a new world where everything is beautiful. Lovely write hugs

    Brianandhiscats commented on Metamorphosis


    That was a wonderful description of the morning. I get the feeling you are watching it through a window rather than outside walking in it. But I like it very much. X

    The true philosopher and the true poet are one, and a beauty, which is truth, and a truth, which is beauty, is the aim of both.

    Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet (1803-1882)

    Teardrops’s Poems (1)

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    Metamorphosis 4