Loving Me.....Finally


  • Family

    Loving Me.....Finally

    When My mother died I was 9 years old
    That's when I learned this world was cold
    We all were placed in foster homes
    Hardly ever seeing one another, only talking on the phone
    My sister tried to commit suicide by jumping out the window
    When she needed them the most where did all her friends go
    I hated myself and I wanted to die
    They sent me to a shrink who only asked me"why??"
    I told him that my life wasn't worth living
    Being stuck in this world of constant giving
    He claimed he was concerned about how I felt
    Something about a raw deal that I'd been dealt
    When I got older I tried to escape
    But freedom was expensive and I was raped
    The rapist said "my life was a lie"
    And nobody cred about the tears I cried
    I went to the streets looking for love
    I found comfort in "Crack" the drug
    Sex became a game to me using it to get what I needed
    Alot of Women hated me thus calling me "conceited"
    Alot of times the devil would insist
    "just end it all, Slit your wrist"
    Until I learned I had a friend and a soul saver
    God wasd always there for me and he never asked for favors
    This is the lesson I had to learn in order to be free
    I could never love anyone else, until I started with "ME!!"

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    shakeme4life commented on Loving Me.....Finally


    this is a story of so much pain and struggle , survival , and triumph , great movement and flow to this , insprirational to those who may be going through similar doors .

    countrypoet commented on Loving Me.....Finally


    I'm sorry that you had to experience so many bad things in your life,but am glad that you have learned to love yourself first(that is where all love must originate from).Thank you for sharing your story.It is very well written and is inspiring.

    LadyFame1 commented on Loving Me.....Finally


    I don't know how to react to this poem....It's odd because a friend of mine wrote a poem VERY much similar to this about 3yrs ago....Same words and everything all the down to the same title….crazy huh ! !

    optimistic commented on Loving Me.....Finally


    Lifes journey carried you on a long road with no escape. If God let you out I know he can do the same for others. It feels like the only true friend is to lean on God. this peace to me spoke in deep words that needed to be put on page and in an audience to deliver your message. Great Poem!

    Serenity1225 commented on Loving Me.....Finally


    empress! unguarded, raw, soul wrenthing, in a world real! this poem speaks to me on so many levels because i am a survivor of attempted suicide! beautiful!

    If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

    Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

    EbonyQueen48’s Poems (9)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    A Crack Addict's Prayer 5
    Getting Buck Wild 3
    Lord, Save The Children 1
    The Willie Lynch Syndrome 4
    History Lesson 8
    Loving Me.....Finall
    Suicidal Rampage 2
    Finding Me...... 4
    Prison Songs 4