Legalize It!


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    Legalize It!

    Being under the influence
    Is just plain wrong
    But it takes my problems away
    And it makes me feel strong
    It makes me feel
    So f****** invincible
    When in reality
    That is not one of the principles
    The cops spy on me
    With glares of offense
    Because weed is illegal
    But it’s my only defense
    Is there any way
    That we can convince
    The president to legalize this drug
    That takes us as high
    As the stars above
    Sure I know this drug is illegal
    But I really don’t care
    The way that it causes me to act
    Causes people to stop and stare
    With evil glares
    As if it was a dare
    Weed makes me
    Feel so free
    To the absolutely
    Highest degree
    Or level of height
    With wings
    Kind of like an airplane
    In flight
    In spite
    Of all the rain clouds
    In sight
    Which is a metaphor that I use
    To describe my struggle
    So that you don’t get up in my business
    And try to bust my bubble
    Only to get me in trouble
    Weed causes you
    To exceed your limits
    It puts you in the zone
    And lifts your spirits
    That’s why we all
    Want to be near it
    It brings us sun
    In the rain
    It bleaches
    Our stains
    It takes us away from a life
    That is so mundane
    And from that
    We must sustain
    That without it our lives
    Will never be the same
    But we can stop if we want to

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    If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

    Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

    Talentedpoet90’s Poems (6)

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    Legalize It! 0
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