In Darkness


In Darkness

I walk in darkness will you come with me, I've done many wrongs and still you stand by myside. Im troubled and wondering through this darkness and still you hold a light for me. Im lost and blinded and there you stand strong and waiting knowing that I'll pull through. Im down on bended knee and, your hands on my shoulder. I'll call to you so and I know youll have an answer. I have nothing left to give and you never have asked for anything but my belife. God i know your here, walking holding the light, and still i wonder in this darkness waiting for the answer, Im here please help me walk this path for i have become weakend by this posion.

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JadedJezzabel commented on In Darkness


well written and honest. is posion a metaphor?

star commented on In Darkness


great write and a very strong poem.

A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

Chigger2069’s Poems (22)

Title Comments
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The Final Battle Chp. 1 4
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One Last Time 1
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Come Walk With Me 7
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Baby Girl 3
Prayer of an Old Soul 3
Dreams Vs Reality 2
In Her Eyes 2
Tearless Angel 2
In Darkness 2
The One I look up Too. 3
Time is Meaninless 2