in anticipation of what she brings


  • Love

    in anticipation of what she brings

    In the wish of a moonday
    a blanket of cloud-white ashes lay
    quietly upon the frail legs of spring
    Awaiting the kiss of a forgotten fling

    Upon the silence of winddrops
    a tremble of evergreen tops
    fragrant the mood of soon
    Where your love and flowers shall bloom

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    Azzrella commented on in anticipation of what she brings


    Beautifully written with a nice flow it leads you to right where you need to be...

    butterflytatts commented on in anticipation of what she brings


    im sorry it has taken me so long to get back to you it was in march when you had read mine and well i have gotten an alarming rate of feedback i do however try to get back to everyone and i have read ur poem and loved it keep the good work and words flowing it truely was a beautiful poem

    caspiancri commented on in anticipation of what she brings


    clever wording loved it

    beautifuldeath commented on in anticipation of what she brings


    with each new piece I read of yours I am more and more in awe of your talent.

    KJULEST commented on in anticipation of what she brings


    Awaiting the kiss of a forgotten fling. I love that line. Let me know when you post more. Talk soon... Jules

    Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

    Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

    xxlheart’s Poems (2)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    in anticipation of what she brings 6
    Love in the Moon 5