I'm A Dead Man Walking....


Poem Commentary

I wrote these lyrics after I almost lost my life on 02/28/09.  I then did a flashback on many other times I almost lost my life 3 times here in Kansas alone.  I thnk about others who have been spared as well...


I'm A Dead Man Walking....

“I’m A Dead Man Walking But Still I Live”



I’m a dead man walking but still I live,

I give thanks to Our Father for the life God give.

I should have died long ago many times before,

But a blessing pour forth – heaven opened its door.

Another miracle performed by our God above,

Making sure nothing happens to the child God love.

Through every angel or act that you cannot see,

Bottom line what it says – “God watches over me.”


Verse 1

How many times I’ve been saved,

Well let me borrow your hand,

I need your fingers and your toes,

So I can keep count my man.

Every day’s another threat,

That I could have been gone,

Death is in the air I breathe,

But all his chances are blown.

Yes I know I’m going to die,

Somewhere down the line,

But God has me on a mission,

So he changed death’s mind.

Instead he killed my life off,

But in a different way,

Got rid of me for goodness sake,

So I can live today.

He made wiser and stronger,

Than I’ve ever been,

Raised me from the lowest one,

Now I’m a perfect ten.

Evil things I used to do,

I don’t do them no more,

Now I live with Jesus Christ,

We’re going shore to shore.

Spreading God’s Holy Words,

In the fields – the street,

Bringing Jesus into the lives,

Of all the people we meet.


Repeat Hook:


While traveling on the highway,

Driving in K. C. K.,

Let me tell you what happened,

On this particular day.

Going to work eastward bound,

On highway six seventy,

I had a vision in my head,

This was the end of me.

I called my wife to say I love you,

But I’m about to die,

I hit some ice lost control,

So now I’m saying goodbye.

As I slid I seen myself,

I’m heading for the wall,

Then I crashed straight through,

Unto my death I fall.

As I plunge towards death,

I thought my life was through,

Though it only was a vision,

Now it’s all coming true.

Minutes passed I hit some ice,

I took a terrible slide,

Now I’m heading for the wall,

But when I did collide.

A force of God pushed me back,

There was a shield on me,

Cars crashing, traffic coming,

His force field’s on me.


Repeat Hook:


While cruising through the city,

Just enjoying the ride,

We didn’t know the car was stolen,

I wouldn’t have gotten inside.

Thinking we were cool,

But little did we know,

We were being followed close,

Everywhere we would we go.

When Bernard finally noticed,

Someone’s hot on our trail,

He started hitting every corner,

But couldn’t shake the tail.

We ended up getting trap,

Within this cul-de-sac,

A man came from the car,

And when I did look back.

He had a gun in his hand,

He started shooting away,

I said Bernard do something,

Or we’re going to die today!

He sped off - up the curb,

We went across the field,

We got back parked the car,

The bullets dented the steel.

Either the man couldn’t shoot,

Or we were blest that day,

Because we all made it home,

I thanked God we’re okay.


Repeat Hook:


I know some other people,

Situations are worse,

Who also dodged a bullet?

Could’ve been in a hearse?

People who were caught,

In many types of storms,

Like Tsunamis – hurricanes,

In various sizes and forms.

Train wrecks, plane crashes,

There’s a whole lot more,

That remind us God is working,

Our Lord’s doing his chore.

Making sure we’re okay,

And help is on the way,

Through vessels that are sent,

He helps us day to day.

You understand what I’m saying,

And you know you’re blest,

Then go and tell the world,

Before you’re laid to rest.

How God saved your life,

When it could’ve been lost,

You thank Our Lord above,

Who came to pay our cost.

Tell them when they ask,

How do you live positive?

Say “I’m a dead man walking,

But still I live!”


I Live Through The Blessings Of God (Daniel 3:8-30 & 6 / Psalms 116)

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In science one tries to tell people, in such a way as to be understood by everyone, something that no one ever knew before. But in poetry, it's the exact opposite.

Franz Kafka (1883-1924) Czech writer.