

  • Religion


    He shows us love yet we still ignore him

    He saves our lives yet we don’t explore him


    What will it take until we obey

    Its simple belief and love his way


    He is the way the truth and the light

    Always ready to delight


    He fills our hearts and minds with joy

    He’s so much better than a toy


    When we accept to be reborn

    His grace and mercy he does adorn


    Before it’s too late and the earth is done

    Believe in Christ because he is the one

    Poem Comments


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    1Love commented on Grace


    I loved this poem. Excellent work!!! only 1 small error Our instead of Are. Otherwise very very nice.

    tygseflrpdme commented on Grace


    Second line has a small error...our instaed of are. The frist stanza is not a rhyme, but an identity. The fourth stanza analogy is too timid. I like this poem. Shows honesty and clarity. Thank you.



    Thank you so much for catching the error. I didn't even realize it. I will fix it as soon as I can. Thank you for your critic you are obvious a real poet. I appreciate you reading my very amateur stuff.

    lonewolf commented on Grace


    another good one. love the very first line. that is so true.



    Thank you I appreciate the comments.

    1990lh commented on Grace


    I LOVE IT! Great poem i love the style , the flow, but most important i love the message of the poem. you really did a great job. cuz he is the one 10 from me

    Lolee commented on Grace


    Very well put together, and you can tell you gave it a lot of thought. I wish everyone would get ready...there's a day a comin. Thanks again.

    Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion.

    T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

    MonkeyLover’s Poems (8)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Lovely Smile 7
    Grace 5
    My Promises 6
    If He only Knew 6
    A Beautiful Soul 5
    How do you describe a cloud picture to a blind person 4
    Family Dysfunction 2
    Childhood Insomnia 3