God's Gift


  • TNTangel
  • Tired and flustered... I have so many things to catch up on and very little time to do it!

God's Gift

God’s Gift

 Sent from Heaven up above

An angel sent for me to love

Perfect glow of God’s sweet grace

A blessed gift, now I embrace.


Little hands to smudge my walls

Soon my name this angel calls

with twinkle like the stars at night

in eyes of wonder and delight.


First tooth; first word; first step divine

These sweet memories are all mine

to lock inside my heart with love

Always thanking God above


Singing songs for peaceful sleep

Comforting embrace when child weeps

Serving only wholesome food

Tend precious life serene; subdued.

Tiny mud-prints on the floor

toys are always strewn galore

Bedtime prayers to Jesus prayed

Angel kisses next invade.

I take a minute at the door

to ask for blessings from the Lord

I gaze upon my small one’s face

I then realize in that moment and place


That God has blessed me all the while

Again I kiss that precious smile!

When life takes me to a distressing place

I need only look to one tiny face.

By: Dawn M. Ziebarth

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Jedi4Jesus commented on God's Gift


A beautiful expression for a deep love for your child and gratitude for God blessing you. Loved it.

Poetry is finer and more philosophical than history; for poetry expresses the universal, and history only the particular.

Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC) Greek philosopher.

TNTangel’s Poems (7)

Title Comments
Title Comments
God's Answer 1
A Wolf In Sheep's Clothing 1
My Special Angel 1
My Dear Mother Jean 2
My Angel From Heaven 1
His Touch 0
God's Gift 1