Original Poetry Forums

OriginalPoetry.com 6/8/2009 Topic

06-08-2009 at 09:33:17 AM

OriginalPoetry.com 6/8/2009 Topic

This time of year, I think its appropriate that we honor our high school graduates. Over the weekend I noticed a lot of graduation parties going, and noticed a few more were to come.

Today's topic:

"Now that I've graduated, the world is an open door..."


-Papa Paczki snake

06-08-2009 at 09:39:44 AM

Re: OriginalPoetry.com 6/8/2009 Topic

my parents pushed me through an open door, and I hope there is a floor beyond it;
the future can a tricky place, now that I've stumbled upon it.

another 3 second psudo-poem by BDI!

06-09-2009 at 08:42:30 PM

Re: OriginalPoetry.com 6/8/2009 Topic


Graduation day is finally here
The one day I dread
All my friends are leaving me
Now I am going to feel dead

They are the ones that push me through
But with them gone
Who and what else
Will I ever do?

I was fine at rehearsal
But now its really time
I am letting go
And it makes me want to cry

Its almost time
I have to face the truth
We all grew up
They have pushed me through, and now I can see the world has many open doors

06-11-2009 at 02:59:19 AM


I'm off world are you ready
get set go go go go
its two years later
what happen
a kid
two hundred thousand dollar
contract with IBM
no way
my new friends
love me
I'm eighty two
time has moved fast.

06-11-2009 at 10:52:36 AM


Though high school days have passed away
Locked in life's novelette
Are memories I'll cherish
Till my last page is set.

Good Luck to this year's graduates!

07-23-2009 at 03:04:59 PM

Re: OriginalPoetry.com 6/8/2009 Topic

"Now that I've graduated, the world is an open door..."

1. To a hard place with no one to face
2. As life starts and childless ends
3. With no fear to gain
4. When minds being to set
5. Money being too started
6. While this world is falling apart
7. To something great

1. Heads being to wonder …..
2. Man! What do I do?
3. As you end your last graduated place
4. Out to the world with bills and pain
5. When soon the doors will start to close
6. And a new one will soon open all over again
7. With suffering and challenges to gain

If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.