The Translator
My fourth book-length manuscript, ‘The Translator’ has been accepted
for publication by ‘Transcendent Zero Press’, Houston Texas,
and is slated for publication in June, 2015.
It contains 68 poems laid out in two chapters
Editor-in-Chief: Dustin Pickering
Where most contemporary poetry collections focus on
family sentimentality or cultural history, the poems in
‘The Translator’, composed with realistic and surrealistic
imagery, address the social, spiritual, and melancholic
conditions of humanity as a whole, with an emphasis on
staying aligned with the natural world.
My third book, ‘If You Have One Moment’,
was published by ‘Stillpoint Books’ (Spokane, Washington)
in January 2015.
Publisher: Eve Costello
Excerpt: "I say joy to the bare foot children
whose worlds are journeys into magic, song, and bliss"
Search Amazon Books: If You Have One Moment/dah
Visit ‘Words Of Dahlusion’: www.wordpress.dahlusion.com
Facebook: Dah Helmer
Email: dahlusion@yahoo.com
Google: Dah Poems
To my OP friends who have supported my poetry endeavor
for the past several years, I am honored, and thank you.
Last edited by dahlusion 03-01-2015 at 11:39:38 AM