Original Poetry Forums


05-27-2009 at 03:53:57 PM


To whom it may concern,

As a way to spark more comments and and have users rate others poems, I suggest that for every poem you submit you must rate & comment on at least one poem, it could be someone you know or just completely random. Whenever you rate a poem you get a credit for a new submission. I see a lot of users requests for reviews of thier work being ignored, or you will review someone's poem and they will not follow up and review one of yours as promised. Or someone will read your poem and simply not comment and move on, Which is thier right of course, but it would be nice to get more feedback and this may be fair way for everyone to get more involved and avoid a user who may have posted 50 poems on the site and commented on none. With this suggestion that same user would not have been able to get to 50 poems without commenting on at least 50 other users poems. I dont know just a suggestion.


Last edited by SuSpence 05-27-2009 at 03:56:09 PM

06-03-2009 at 07:48:42 AM


Well said, and I agree. However, freedom must be taken into the equation, it IS their right to be rude. people have the right to smoke their lungs black, to drive when their over 90, and vote while ignorant, I dare say they have the right to be rude.

But that said, I think it's a great idea, friend.

06-04-2009 at 04:22:16 AM


[/b that we can now comment on comments is a good thing
if we rated comments too... got points for most reviews in a day/week
and our stats on ratings were pstr of the sites setup
( ie rate three post one
we would not run out of postings to rate
and with the average number of new members a day
the stats of everyone would go up
( also server load, lag times, and more hassle for the site admins)
anyway any change would only be fair if it were instituted after the first book of "contest"winners is published..
so i am not really pushing for any more changes than the folks who own and run this site have done so far
if we are up to the five servers yet i have no idea, but chat is smother and running normally or abnormally (no chat is normal)
the rough rating club starting up in the forums is a fine idrea, for those who desire deeper than comments and share knowledge with others
the folks that are coming in from some other poetry sites that closed down are a great addition with their skills in reviewing poets from around the world, reviewing being different than commenting, or just mentioning that the feet were off on the third stanza..
from the many thousands of writers i have reviewed, andtheir collections of writings, i know that it is tougher to review a poem on its format
content, style, and the many parts of languag we use to analyse writings, and the crazy making twists one has to go through when writing in other than english and then translating into english, capturing not only the essence but the images in both and trying to make them identical
syntax often doesnt allow such
, so i posted a poem i wrote in russian with its english translation
watched the ratings, noticed some didnt scroll past the russian to the english
so i posted the english only versions(still not happy with that, watched what happened,
then reposted again in russian only, watched two of the three ratings get slashed, (just before the rate with comment change)
the other one was on a page overlap due to some other postings
that people were rating without being able to read the language
ands i got comments complaining that it wasnt in english(for those few that bothered to comment) comments that they wished they could read the language0 and a nice comment on each by a russian poet (Forestbirds russian poems are wonderful)..
so no matter that the other versons were in my stack of postings
english only and english/russian of all three poems
(thank god i didnt write in manderian, or cantoneese
i hope that my fellow members understand that there is more than american english in the world..

to people that expect no more than a wow i liked this... a word by word breakdown and line by line analysis is wasted effort
and for those who crave the latter the former is a letdown of similar nature..
and the folks who write their first poem and put it at the mercy of others to read and rate
expecting at the moment of their posting to be given acolayeds etc
well they get surprised
the new rating system currently in place helps a lot
so i will hold off in my swahilli poems(prayers to Ozan)
and my Variations on Chuang Tzu's themes
my playing with Li-Po's humour
and nuances of Basho's hikus the arabic and persian poems,,,(actually i havent the fonts loaded into this computer yet, (windows vista compatibility issues) and i will deal with post enlitenment school format writers who attempt to hang their standards on poems out of the roots of the poems that their mentors only touched base translations of and wowed the west for fun google "the wheel of sharp weapons" it is a fun read of an old poem, i am sad to say my three hand translations went up with me in the fire, but others have translated it better i am sure....andrew (a 16 hour workday makes me ramble dosent it??


Poetry is not the expression of personality but an escape from personality.

T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.