Hear Me Out 4There has been great deal of talk about how to improve on this site and many have a great deal of valid points. I have been here for over two years and have seen alot of poets come and go. I found for the most part the best suggestion about the site as a whole is that we need to learn to police ourselves. Because of the POWERS THAT BE refuse to interact with us poets except by giving us weekly contest and messages on the forum or trying to exploit our work to fill thier pockets and not listen to us as a whole I feel that they have come up rather short in showing any thing but a silent approval. The Bickering continues the insults and bad mouth videos haunt the site and still no word from the people that own this. Are we suppose to tolerate being insulted by each other or being accused of be Whores or freaks. Like I stated before the best way to solve this issue is to police ourselves and if the people that run this site will not make a stand on anything but taking our work and publishing a book for thier own pockets I feel we need to seriously rethink why we are here. I have wrote another thread in the forum called Hear Me Out. It is in the first forum please read it and for a better understanding of where I see myself as well as my fellow poets. Thanks for your time and hope to hear from you soon Plot121 AKA Robert... |
Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.
Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.