The Real Story All I've ever wanted to do was to get a sense of how my poetry would connect with those who don't really like poetry, and to help poets who may need a little guidance and coaching, since I have been writing poetry almost as long as I started to learn the English language. English is not my first language; I started to speak English at the age of six, when I first entered Kindergarten. I was very good at written communication from that age on, it came very naturally to me and I was considered a "can't miss" in my school by the age of 11. I was first critiqued by professors at Columbia University in New York City, and one of them said to me (I never shall forget); "...young man, you write as if you not only know 'the book', but you write as if you have written it yourself!" I think that he was exaggerating by quite a stretch, but I was very pleased to hear that, as you could well imagine. I mentioned this because it has given rise to the "gang" that represents itself as the OP "Community", persecuting those who dare to tell the truth and to point out bad poetry. It is true that anyone and everyone has a right to post whatever they wish (within the confines of established rules). If someone wishes to post a terrible poem, do I not have a right to say what I think? Don't you think it is hypocritical for these "street poets" to proclaim their "freedom" to post smelly poetry, but yet they deny that very same freedom to those who would simply point out their bad grammar, their terrible syntax, their infantile vocabulary, their brutal spelling, and their banal and ridiculous (and boring as heck) premise on which they craft their "masterpieces"?I don't expect everyone to be as naturally gifted as I am (with respect to poetry)-no, I don't want that! If I really wanted that, there are lots of academic communities and university literary organizations that would welcome me with open arms (I am a member of a few such organizations, as of this writing), but that is not why I write! I write for people like my Mom, my Dad, my late fiancee, who were not intellectuals by any stretch, and had no use for poetry. I write for them; to try to "convince" them of the relevancy of poetry and of the reality and efficacy of our great poetic culture. I submit to you, that OP was taken over by a secret little society that created its own little self contained "universe", or "twilight zone" where there was a major disconnect from the rest of the online, literary world. The gap between what was reasonable and the OP "community" grew larger and larger, since there was really no way for poets to learn and improve their craft. I tried by "putting the cookie jar where the kiddies could reach" when I posted my lessons, only to find that dah was working against me behind my back, gathering up the "lowest common denominator" and convincing these quasi illiterates that they were really "street poets". He would do this by favorably critiquing the worst poems and falsly "pumping up" these already inflated egos, convincing them that their dreadful piffle was actually GREAT. Needless to say, it didn't take much convincing, because whenever small minded, vain, pretentious, bigoted, unimaginative, intellectually challenged people hear the "call of the muse", disasterous poetic "cheeseburgers" are sure to result. So thus began this intolerance for anything other than glowing, flowing praise, no matter how awful the piece. Under the "magic finger of death" of Papa Paczki, all dissent and freedom to honestly critique lousy poetry was suppressed, as he would delete whatever criticism dah did not like. Thus, crappy poetry was rammed down our throats because we couldn't hurt the precious feelings of those moronic babies who unrealistically posted their travesties, without being the least bit prepared or tolerant for the most constructive or well meaning of criticism. This is because I began to see dah lauch an intensive campaign of self promotion, especially to trumpet the publication of his book. What is wrong with that? Nothing...except he was withholding some important information. I was curious, since I had received the inside scoop that his book was to be published by the company run by Eve H, who you would know better as dancinghawk. However, dahlusion failed to mention this little tidbit in his announcement, and instead identified his publisher as also being his "editor". Any serious writer knows that to attempt to edit your own work or to have your friends do it, is akin to performing surgery on yourself-it simply does NOT work! Proofreading and editing are highly specialized skills, and any serious writer MUST be prepared to submit to am intensive, extensive, and TOTALLY OBJECTIVE editing process. It is sort of like a literary colonoscopy!It is not pleasant, but it is very, very NECESSARY! Your "fan club" can't do it, your lover can't do it, your friends can't do it...IT MUST BE ABSOLUTELY STAINLESS STEEL IN ITS PRECISION AND OBJECTIVITY! IT MUST BE BRUTALLY HONEST!!! Unless I'm missing something, dancinghawk doesn't possess nowhere near the qualifications to be able to edit ANYONE'S book, let alone a poet for whom she obviously is a "fan" (her own words). But yet, dahlusion represented to the OP membership that his book was being "edited"; this was obviously not true. So I began to smell a rubber, biscuitheaded, yoga teacher shaped, RODENT! I then had the misfortune of reviewing The Poets of Blood, which had already been published and had been "edited" by Wordslinger and "Maddi". I was pleased to see the strong start, (Rygar is to be commended for his excellent piece), but after the fourth piece, everything just fell apart, and the book just "imploded" into a myriad of mistakes, unnecessary and cumbersome verbiage, and unimaginative, redundant and infantile themes. I counted no less than eight glaring syntax errors before reaching midpoint of the book and the collaborations were absolutely dreadful. The book just sank into a quagmire of ridiculous, banal and thoroughly childish prattle. I could not read through most of it-it was so bad. It was very sad for me to read and I was very confused as to why I was never consulted, being that Wordslinger and "Maddi" claimed to have such a high regard for me as a poet and a teacher. I am not an editor, and will never claim to be one, but I would have been a fairly good "guide" as to how to fix the glaring problems in this rather cumbersome and immature poetic albatross...at least 30 pages would have to be "86'd", and major changes would have to be effected BEFORE even THINKING about sending it out to an editor. Anyway, the die was cast, in that there was an epidemic of unedited books published by OP members of very dubious skill. Then I happened upon the "OP Around the World" thread initiated by my two faced "friend", Wordslinger, (who privately confessed his immense dislike for dah, but publicly in the forums, was his little "Ghia" pet). In this thread was a rather ridiculous notion of flooding the earth with crappy poetry, with a "chapter" in all fifty states! This assault on the CRAFT (yes, I said CRAFT, and NOT "self expression") of poetry, is disasterous for the cause of poetry, because it will make it so much harder for SKILLED, SERIOUS poets to promote and sell their work. Maybe it's the old Union guy in me, but to make a long story short, I suspect that there is a publishing scam in the works, which would enrich dahlusion, papa and probably dancinghawk, and maybe a few others), but would be detrimental to OP, leaving a permanent mark on its reputation. A book is a very, very serious undertaking, and must be done with the utmost care, love and SKILL!!! Your name is out there, your reputation is on the line, and if your book stinks, then that's a BIG MATSO BALL hanging out there! Your credibility as a writer is SHOT once you've published a poor quality, inferior book of crummy poems. Ditto if you publish with "Publish America", or any other "vanity" publisher; you're not going to be taken seriously. End of story! I think this little group was taking advantage of these knuckleheads who don't care about crafting good poetry, but only want to "express their emotion"(with dahlusion as their "cheerleader", waving his pom-poms), ignoring their obligation to learn the craft of poetry by denying that poetry is a craft; exempting themselves of the duty to learn, grow and share in a humble, conscientious, and honest manner. What would happen is that they would end up having to buy copies of their own book and have to go through the expense of marketing and distributing it themselves, while the "little group" laughs all the way to the bank! I actually raised this concern in an email to dahlusion; and have yet to receive a reply. Obviously, I stood in the way of this scheme and that is one of the main reasons that I have been treated with such contempt by papa, dahlusion, and the rest of the "street poets" on OP. I gave my honest opinion, and I have been punished for it ever since. As it turns out, other former OP members have expressed to me that papa would warn anyone who dared give their honest opinion in full and fair (yet unflattering) critique, that they were "stirring up trouble" and that their remarks would be promptly deleted. He would then threaten to delete their profiles if they continued to "cause trouble". This reminds me very much of the historical account given by Pliny the Elder, who recalls that the despotic Roman emperor Nero (leading up to the now famous burning of Rome), who fancied himself as quite the vocalist and was most eager to display his divine "gift" (for the Emperors believed that they, themselves, had a divine nature...now, who do we know like that? GUMBY! LOL) The problem was, that Nero sounded like a dog caught on a barbed wire fence and that all forms of non-musical. cacophonous calamity issued forth from his throat whenever he attempted to sing. However, he LOVED to give recitals...PUBLIC recitals, and everyone was invited...and ATTENDANCE WAS MANDATORY! It was an offer that you couldn't refuse, lest you find yourself as a "special guest" at his next dinner party-as a human torch! Imagine for a second, what would befall the unhappy attendee had he dared shout; "HEY NERO, YOU SUCK!" This is dahlusional gumby-Nero! This is exactly how OP has been run under the "magic finger of death", under the "Reign of Error" of Papa Pussy, and the rest of his quasi illiterate, pretend-to-be "street" poets. Does this tell the story? Last edited by feldmarschal 02-26-2011 at 08:40:58 AM |
RE: The Real StpryThis tell one side of an imagined situation, you created to explain away why people don't like you. There are a million sides to this story. It's all about perspective. Kind of like the quality of poetry is subjective. Just like if a movie is good or not is subjective. So here is my side. David had commented on my poetry. Had given constructive advice on ways it could be better and his advice was welcomed and appriciated. Then there was a discussion one day in the forums. And a poet whos name I can't quite remember kept posting funny poems and it was not really appropriate for that paticular forum as the topic was serious. The poet my have been Paul Wall but i'm not sure. And Studly111 Feldmarshall David Cruella.....whoever he is today....that day he was studly111......went all the way off on the guy posting the funny poems.... i mean all the way off. And I said something like dude....check yourself...you don't need to talk to him that way.....you are getting yourself all worked up and that can't be good for someone with the health issues you have....chill out.....and another poet called David out on what he had posted as well, her name was jademellissa. So David goes friggin crazy screaming and yelling that he told me about his health issues in confidence that i am a traitor and two faced and how dare i take this idiots side over his after all he had done for me bla bla bla.....he accused jademellissa of having a sexual relationship with the guy....he went too far and blew it all out of proportion.......and that is what started my defense of myself, my poetry, my worth as a human being, my value as a woman.....ect because he publicly attacked all of thoses things in the forum every chance he got. He would get so foul that papa would delete his postings. Then other poets started to email me......we are talking long established poets from this site and others telling me that David is crazy he does this shit all the time on other web sites and they start to tell me things to say to him and how to deal with him to make him go away. So I do what they tell me to do. and Papa asked me to not respond to him at all so I didn't and Papa deleted his account. And I sort of half ass left for a while to cuz i was moving didnt have anything to write about ect.....When I came back to the site about three months later all was calm......until feldmarshall started in on dah and put my name in it calling me Dah's rabid cheerleader or some other dumb thing......and when i saw the ranting feldmarshall was doing to dah i recognised his language usage as none other than studly111.....and I said studly this is you....you must have missed me to be tossing my name around in your shit.......and THAT PISSED HIM OFF THAT I CALLED HIM OUT AND PULLED HIS COVERS....... I have reason to believe that he uses no less than 8 different names on OP at any given time. I have a friend who is an agent with the ATF who has entered his and other postings into a computer program to compare language usage and tell if they were written by the same writer and it has hit on a positive with 7 other screen names i have had him test. So i don't have proof......and the jury is still out.......but in a nutshell this is my side of the story. |
RE: The Real StoryPlease pay no mind to the rants of this jezzbel person, who has obviously been dispatched by the dahlusional "Tea Party" to disrupt and frustrate me. This will be to no avail since I plan to pay her no mind at all. There should be mechanisms in place that will aloow a poet registering for the first time to eithe accept or refuse all criticisms. That is OK, but if the poet chooses to refuse to accept allo critique, then they can't accept ]favorable critique either. After all, you can't have it both ways, however, the poet can still receive favorable critique in his/her own personal mailbox. I believe the contests should be monthly, instead of weekly, and the people should pick the winner, however,subject to the concurrance of the Editorial Booard. In the event of a tie, the Editorial Board would decide. There could also be a tie! |
RE: The Real Stprymaybe when you grow up studly and have your own web site then you can make the rules and procedures. i'm sure it will be wildly popular......and feldmarshall, you should know me better then to thing anyone can send me out to do their dirty work or fight their battles..........you started it but trust and believe i will be the one to end it. |
RE: The Real Stpryyou call what i wrote a rant.......here is a rant from feldmarshal...this is the nice helpful guy he is. this the guy the professors at columbia university want to write with. Last edited by JadedJezzabel 02-27-2011 at 01:45:08 PM |
RE: RE: The Real StoryQuote: Originally Posted by JadedJezzabel maybe when you grow up studly and have your own web site then you can make the rules and procedures. i'm sure it will be wildly popular......and feldmarshall, you should know me better then to thing anyone can send me out to do their dirty work or fight their battles..........you started it but trust and believe i will be the one to end it. FUCK YOU, WHORE! |
My dog says both of you are stupid.Has it occurred to either of you that it's quite possible nobody here gives a fuck? |
RE: The Real StpryI dont know Hyper... this is getting more addicting than daytyme drama at noon,, i may just rip off the whole thing, patton it and make a million, and besides, it's also cheaper than cable tv Last edited by Musicmynded1 02-28-2011 at 11:29:52 AM |
RE: RE: The Real StpryQuote: Originally Posted by JadedJezzabel I'M SORRY YOU GUYS I JUST CAN'T LET THIS OLD GOAT WIN........I'M NOT HAVING FUN....BUT I CAN'T LET IT GO. I'M NOT IN ANY DISTRESS. BUT ON PRINCIPLE I CAN'T LET HIM WIN. Well then you're fucking stupid. Grow up. Peace out O.P. |
RE: The Real Stprythats cool. for all we know you are just another one of this idiots screen names. |
RE: The Real Stprythats cool. for all we know you are just another one of this idiots screen names. |
RE: The Real Stprythats cool. for all we know you are just another one of this idiots screen names. |
Enemy of the State was a bad Will Smith movie.
RE: Enemy of the State was a bad Will Smith movie.Quote: Fair enough, all I ask is for fairness.
Originally Posted by Hiporlacking Alright...one more...then I'm outta here for real folks. First off. I'm definitely not in the middle. Nor do I have any intention of playing peacemaker. You can both off yourselves for all I care. Save the world some bandwidth. I'm a just spectator. And to be quite honest I probably dislike more people on this site than even yourself. You see...you've posted onto a public forum. And I got this little button on the left hand side of my screen that allows me to reply to what you post. I've been on this site for years now. And normally I stay pretty quiet. Most my posts come from posting youtube music videos in the casual conversation section. I never wanted to make friends on this site. I did a couple by accident. Shit happens I guess. Anyway, I don't aspire to be great. I barely consider myself a poet. So whatever cause you think your apart of...whatever war is going on right now in your world...really is nonexistent as far as I'm concerned. And I think I lot of people on this website agree with me. P.S. You can call me little boy all you'd like. But if you'll notice... until now I never mentioned my penis once in my response. The proof is in the pudding bud. . I won't respond again, but I want you to know I can't wait to read what your next 6 page response says. |
Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.
Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.