Original Poetry Forums

Petition to get Papa back

01-21-2011 at 03:18:00 PM

Petition to get Papa back

ok everyone, here is the scoop, I talked to papa on facebook for awhile. papa got laid off like spence said due to buget cuts. The owners of the site have no immediate plans to close the site down, but the peoblem is the site can not run itself without maintence and someone behind the scenes to keep it up and running. Papa did alot more than just be the face of OP, without him I am not sure how long this site will stay afloat. The answer to our problems and to the continued growth of OP is to create more money, question is how??? The book is dead, lets face it, people just don't buy poetry books, atleast not the mainstream community. The simple answer is one some will not like, a small nominal fee for this site. Even 20 dollars a year would create a surplus of money and more than enough to get papa back and create new growth for the site. I know some could not afford it but I think many of the hardcore members who are active would be willing to pay a small fee, I know I would for one. I did find out how to get intouch with the owners, send messages to contact us link at the bottom of the Op page and request the owners to email you back. Papa suggested they charge a small fee but the owners didn't think we would be willing to pay, while I know there are some who will fight me on this, a small fee would bring Papa back and help the site to grow. For all those who were friends with Papa and agree with me, please lets flood the owners with messages showing our support for papa and our willingness to bring him back, even if it means a nominal cost. If enough of us show our support than they will have to listen. They think we will not be willing to pay, let us just see if this is true or not. Join me in starting a petition to get Papa back, he has meant so much to this site and our poetry community. He has been the face of OP, the unsung hero behind the scenes, and to many a great friend! Let's put a fight to get him back!!! Purity of the soul, journey well!!! withe grace and humility ANGEL

01-21-2011 at 03:26:09 PM

RE: Petition to get Papa back

I’ll sign the petition, John. Papa is the one with the experience to keep this site running. I wouldn’t mind a membership fee at all, maybe it could even be a way to sell the books. They could send a “free" book with every paid membership!

01-21-2011 at 03:46:55 PM

RE: Petition to get Papa back

We're in.

TJMadelynn & John E. WordSlinger

01-21-2011 at 04:05:48 PM

RE: Petition to get Papa back

Count me in on the petition, and I'd be willing to pay a small membership fee if it means that Papa gets to come back and we have a stable home for our poetry.

01-21-2011 at 04:13:25 PM

RE: Petition to get Papa back

as previously stated - I'd gladly pay a fee smile I'm in

01-21-2011 at 06:14:52 PM

RE: Petition to get Papa back

I'm definitely in! If a small fee is necessary to keep this alive it will be miniscule compared to the enjoyment and comraderie I get from OP!


01-22-2011 at 03:54:47 PM

RE: Petition to get Papa back

please come one and come all from the land of OP, post your thoughts and sign this petition and keep it going, the more buzz we build around OP, perhaps the owners will listen and here us. So please post your response here and keep flooding the contact us owners link. Angel out

01-22-2011 at 06:50:05 PM
  • kah
  • kah
  • Posts: 339

RE: Petition to get Papa back


01-22-2011 at 07:14:33 PM
  • Londo
  • Londo
  • Posts: 173

RE: Petition to get Papa back

Ditto for Londo. tongue wink

01-22-2011 at 08:20:59 PM

Miracle on O.P. Street.

I like Papa. In fact I like him more than I like about 90% percent of yas. I still think petitioning is childish. If the man was let go due to lack of funds all the signatures in the world aren't gonna change anything. I would think a bunch of free thinking adults would be able to piece that together. Especially when the powers that be have made it clear that they could care less about the community's concern. Where's their response to the numerous forum posts? I'm not trying to be rude here but seriously? This is a monetary issue we can't just pout and expect to get our way.
Anyway...this place has been a home for the last couple years but I don't think I'll be counting on a 30 day eviction notice. I've since saved my "poems" to my computer. If Papa is gone for good I doubt I will be coming back to this site very often. What's the point of posting anything if it could all just be deleted in a moments notice?

It's been real folks,



Suspense and Supa...if you guys end up figuring something out please give me the heads up. I'd like to join. Send me a private message and I'll give you my email and yahoo ID.



Last edited by Hiporlacking 01-22-2011 at 09:10:01 PM

01-22-2011 at 09:18:51 PM

RE: Petition to get Papa back

hip- the petition if you read my intent was not just suppose to be a list of people complaining that the fired Papa and we are going to stomp and through a tamper tandrum till we get him back, I realize money talks and if it was buget cuts that caused the ownership to cut papa, I know all the threads and complaining in the world can't change that. The reason I started this thread was to hopefully show the owners that the community at large would be willing to pay a small fee, whether it be yearly, quarterly, or monthly to get papa back and save our community. Papa suggested the owners charge a small yearly fee, say 20 dollars a year for membership, they refused thinking we would be unwilling to pay such a fee and we would lose most of our members. I don't think this is true, I think while some may be tight on funds and be unwilling to pay, most of us wouldn't mind if it meant getting papa back and sequring the future of this site and our poetry community. That was the purpose of this petition, to show our support to papa and willingness to pay to get him back if neccessary. Perhaps it will not work, but it is worth a try, what do we have to lose. I know this as a fact, this site will not and can not run itself, either we need papa back or one of the owners to stepup in his place. A site this big requires constant maintenace to keep up and running, not to mention all the other facets of this site papa was involved in, much more than most even know or realize. Talk is cheap as the say, but if we can show the owners that we are willing to pay to get papa back, there is a chance they could change thier minds. As for papa, he monitors and has been following things from a far as he has time, he is also busy job searching. If I know papa, he hasn't spoke up because he doesn't want to feed into any negativity. He has told me that he would be more than willing to come back if given the chance or take over this site himself if it should close down. he has been the heart and soul of this site and our poetry community, I am not ready to just let him go without trying to put up some sort of fight. If even in vain I will go down with this ship as it sinks... Purity of the soul, journey well!!! with grace and humility ANGEL

01-22-2011 at 09:28:47 PM

RE: Petition to get Papa back

You beat me to him Angel,

I hope you know, that these people
can see right through you,
with no picture or not,
And I can as well.
These people have emotional, and love for this site.
One way or the other they will succeed.

Imagine that you are from the future,
and you traveled back in time to visit Poetry Web Sites
and took back with you similar Time Poets.
You read and meet them and take them with you to the future...
Where does the poetry come from?
In Poetic Science, as in life, there is no such thing as free poetry.
Some poet is paying the price!

01-22-2011 at 09:45:32 PM

RE: Petition to get Papa back

I am in and will pay fee i like papa and want him back

01-22-2011 at 10:30:06 PM

RE: RE: Petition to get Papa back

Originally Posted by WormHolz

You beat me to him Angel,

I hope you know, that these people
can see right through you,
with no picture or not,
And I can as well.
These people have emotional, and love for this site.
One way or the other they will succeed.

Imagine that you are from the future,
and you traveled back in time to visit Poetry Web Sites
and took back with you similar Time Poets.
You read and meet them and take them with you to the future...
Where does the poetry come from?
In Poetic Science, as in life, there is no such thing as free poetry.
Some poet is paying the price!

I'm sorry I just wanted you to read that again.


You're a stranger and judging by your picture a very creepy one. I don't think it's ridiculous that I'd rather you not know what I look like. Your stab at calling me transparent was not appreciated.

P.S. Terminator 2 rules

01-22-2011 at 10:35:31 PM

RE: Petition to get Papa back

I hope I wasn't misunderstood. I want Papa to get his job back too. All I'm saying is realistically a petition isn't going to do it considering the circumstances for his dismissal. A bake sale would be more effective.

01-23-2011 at 06:54:08 AM

RE: Petition to get Papa back

dont worry Im wide open, and still can't be seen through.
Same ol same ol

01-23-2011 at 07:22:13 AM

RE: RE: Petition to get Papa back

Originally Posted by Hiporlacking

I hope I wasn't misunderstood. I want Papa to get his job back too. All I'm saying is realistically a petition isn't going to do it considering the circumstances for his dismissal. A bake sale would be more effective.

He's right in a funny yet serious way

01-23-2011 at 09:35:33 AM

RE: Petition to get Papa back

Papa back? That would be nice, he's the man. The important thing, keep this site alive ... I'm in for a small fee. k cool smile

01-23-2011 at 09:58:20 AM

RE: Petition to get Papa back

I am in too.

01-23-2011 at 10:09:47 AM

RE: Petition to get Papa back: We want Papa back!

EXCELLENT SUGGESTION, Aria, for us to pay a membership fee.
I am prepared to pay $20.oo per year.

&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&HE SACKING OF PAPA is he worst news we can ever have for the year 2011.

OP Poets have always regarded Papa as the heart- throb of the OP Site.

What Papa could have done so "fatal" so injurious to the OP Administation to be fired? . Can't the Administration see that more harm will be done to OP if Papa goes?. OP members ought to send a request to have Papa restored, That is if Papa is interested in returning. Every day, I am convinced more that the world is getting madder. Let us have our Papa back, if the information is correct.

01-23-2011 at 10:11:50 AM

RE: RE: Petition to get Papa back: We want Papa back!

Originally Posted by cousinsoren

EXCELLENT SUGGESTION, Aria, for us to pay a membership fee.
I am prepared to pay $20.oo per year.

THE SACKING OF PAPA is he worst news we can ever have for the year 2011.

OP Poets have always regarded Papa as the heart- throb of the OP Site.

What Papa could have done so "fatal" so injurious to the OP Administation to be fired? . Can't the Administration see that more harm will be done to OP if Papa goes?. OP members ought to send a request to have Papa restored, That is if Papa is interested in returning. Every day, I am convinced more that the world is getting madder. Let us have our Papa back, if the information is correct.

01-23-2011 at 10:11:50 AM

RE: RE: Petition to get Papa back: We want Papa back!

Originally Posted by cousinsoren

EXCELLENT SUGGESTION, Aria, for us to pay a membership fee.
I am prepared to pay $20.oo per year.

THE SACKING OF PAPA is he worst news we can ever have for the year 2011.

OP Poets have always regarded Papa as the heart- throb of the OP Site.

What Papa could have done so "fatal" so injurious to the OP Administation to be fired? . Can't the Administration see that more harm will be done to OP if Papa goes?. OP members ought to send a request to have Papa restored, That is if Papa is interested in returning. Every day, I am convinced more that the world is getting madder. Let us have our Papa back, if the information is correct.

01-23-2011 at 10:41:16 AM

RE: Petition to get Papa back


01-23-2011 at 07:28:28 PM



01-24-2011 at 02:18:33 AM

RE: Petition to get Papa back

we need him back

To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)