Original Poetry Forums

Celebrating Kenneth Wooden's Birthday Contest

10-25-2010 at 11:30:47 PM

RE: Celebrating Kenneth Wooden's Birthday Contest

thank you sbear! ...

good luck!!! ... (fingers crossed 4 u)

and good luck to all! ...

10-26-2010 at 06:08:50 PM

RE: Celebrating Kenneth Wooden's Birthday Contest

I placed a called to the Woodens this afternoon; they are currently working on making their selections; it's very difficult - SO MANY GREAT POEMS!!! I know they love them all...

As soon as I'm informed I will forward the information onto John E. and Maddy and they'll announce the winners...Good luck all! I'm sitting on edge too; I'm glad I don't have to select; I love them all - and I love you all for entering!

Peace, Love and Light

10-26-2010 at 06:47:59 PM

RE: Celebrating Kenneth Wooden's Birthday Contest

Thank you, Janice and all for there poems and hard work. It has been a pleasure to read all the great poems while shedding tears. Love, peace and freedom, Olan.

10-26-2010 at 07:09:36 PM

RE: Celebrating Kenneth Wooden's Birthday Contest

Olan - blesssed are those who give their best; this tribute has demonstrated the healing power of poetry from the outstanding poets of OP.

10-28-2010 at 01:25:43 AM

Celebrating Kenneth Wooden's Birthday Contest Winners Are

Ken Wooden and his Family
and Kanicki salutes OrginalPoetry
and all the wonderful poets!
For those who wrote a poem in tribute to Kenneth Wooden
The three winners are
Think First & Stay Safe by Suzanna MarieSmith, aka Jaded Jezebelle
We Are Not Worthless by Regina2
Amanda's Swing by Madelynn-Tammyjo Tamborini

Other advocates read the poets too, they thought they were powerful, many cried...it was a healthy experience for everyone...that's when CLP asked them which ones would you pick and why...hence...They had to add 2 addtional poems...if it wasn't for Ken and his work these poems would have not been written to celebrate his life's work...so it was fitting and well deserved to award two more...Ken and his work saves lives...he is passionate, loving and really cares deeply...haven't said that if your wondering - he came from a loving family and mother who was saintly in his eyes.

Two additional awards these poems were chosen because we felt they expressed a wonderful tribute to Ken iand celebrating his birthday by honoring him and his work was the initial intent

John E. 'WordSlinger A Childs' Weapon (Ode to Kenneth Wooden)
And Sanctorum by Chaos

Kanicki salutes OrginalPoetry and all the wonderful poets!

For those who expressed interest in writing a poem on this subject matter and did not meet the deadline:

The month of Nov is an opportunity to give thanks/acknowledge CLP - Child Lures Prevention for their wonderful work.
The poets not selected who entered may enter their again or another.
The poets who missed the deadline have the opportunity to submit a poem by Nov 30 Th
All poets of OP will have the opportunity to submit poems on the work of CLP and child abuse
2 winners 150.00 each
Poets can submit more than one poem
Enter by posting the poem on the Kenneth Wooden Contest and pm Kanicki - Subject heading: submitting poem Contest

Thank You All and Congratulations!

Last edited by WordSlinger 10-28-2010 at 01:37:19 AM

10-28-2010 at 02:14:02 AM

RE: Celebrating Kenneth Wooden's Birthday Contest

Congratuations to all winners; you were superb. Love, peace and freedom, Olan.smile

10-28-2010 at 06:15:11 AM
  • kah
  • kah
  • Posts: 339

RE: Celebrating Kenneth Wooden's Birthday Contest

Congratulations, winners!!! yay!

10-28-2010 at 07:36:45 AM

RE: Celebrating Kenneth Wooden's Birthday Contest

Congratulations Winners!!! Spectacular job to you all!!!

10-28-2010 at 08:10:38 AM

RE: Celebrating Kenneth Wooden's Birthday Contest

Great job Kanicki and Ken! ... and Great job O.P. poets! ... Congratulations to all the winners!!! ... Fantastic!! .............

10-28-2010 at 08:39:35 AM

RE: Celebrating Kenneth Wooden's Birthday Contest

Congratulations winners! Great writing! zipper

10-28-2010 at 10:43:00 AM

RE: Celebrating Kenneth Wooden's Birthday Contest

Yaaaaaay to the winners! You deserved to win. Congratulations and hugs.

Kelly Bean

10-28-2010 at 11:06:31 AM

RE: Celebrating Kenneth Wooden's Birthday Contest

congrats to the winners... all of these poems/poets deserved to win... i am just glad i didnt have to pick which ones won... bravo to all

10-28-2010 at 12:22:47 PM

RE: Celebrating Kenneth Wooden's Birthday Contest

Congratulations to the winners! What a wonderful cause this is. I’m so amazed at all the poems that were written and hope to see more participants since the contest has been extended! Great job OP poets!

10-28-2010 at 05:28:00 PM

RE: Celebrating Kenneth Wooden's Birthday Contest

JadedJezzabel's winning poem was directed to the Kenneth Wooded's cause,
and included the goal of the work that they do.

I also appreciate how the choices were made to include two more poems,
and illustrate the NEED of Kenneth Wooded's work :
Regina2 for "We Are Not Worthless" and
Madelynn's "Amanda's swing"

a wonderful representation of the WHO and WHY and WHAT the "Child Lures Prevention" enterprise is all about.

To ALL the Poets who submitted their work for this enterprise...

You are Brave and I am not... and thank you for posting your poems.

10-28-2010 at 07:09:09 PM

RE: Celebrating Kenneth Wooden's Birthday Contest

Congrads to all of you, Kenneth wants to make a poetry page on his site for you all.
so please email, him an Kanicki, for your permission..

Congrads Comrads, and have a safe and Happy Halloween..
Keep your eye out, and protect the children..


10-29-2010 at 03:16:59 AM

RE: Celebrating Kenneth Wooden's Birthday Contest

Congrats to all the winners! A special thanks to all the wonderful talented poets of OP for your entries; God's gift to you is your gift to God; thank you all for sharing your penned gift of wonderful poetry...penning - mending - the power of poetry - you all did a wonderful job!
"What comes from the heart; reaches the heart". You're poetry was masterfully penned and heartfelt Thanks Again.

If any of the poets who submitted poems in the contest are interested in having their poems displayed on Ken's website please pm me; CLP has expressed an interest in posting some poems on their site. Please contact me and I will forward the information onto Ken and CLP; no poems will be posted/displayed without the expressed permission of the author.

Winners, please pm me with your mailing addresses so that I can mail your awards, The awards will be mailed on Monday; please too pm me acknowledging receipt of your award. Thank You.

The contest continues: In the month of Nov all OP poets are invited to submit entries into the Kenneth Wooden Contest - another opportunity to give thanks for the wonderful work of Child Lures Preventions and Teen Lures Prevention: www.childluresprevention.com and www.teenluresprevention.com

1. Poets who didn't make the Oct deadline have an opportunity to submit their poems - the Deadline is Nov. 30Th.
2. Inviting all the wonderful talented poets of OP to submit poems; each poet, may submit more than one poem.
3. Those who submitted poems; may resubmit your poem and/or submit a new poem
4. Again the poem topics - child abuse: an Ode to Ken, a poem expressing thanks to Child Lures and Teen Lures Prevention for their work,
5. Some topics on child abuse for consideration: sexual abuse, child abuse victims, bullying, safety issues and awareness, preventing child abuse, the impact on victims and society, healing the pain of abuse, Internet Crimes, Drugs and school violence, exploitation of children
6. You may collaborate with another poet...EX: one poem can be from a victims perspective and the other the predators
7. Please visit the CLP websites and share the information with your friends, family,communities members,
8. To enter post your poems on this Forum and pm me once the poem is posted

All The Best,

10-30-2010 at 06:53:02 PM

RE: Celebrating Kenneth Wooden's Birthday Contest

This is my contribution to the Wooden competition. Sorry if it offends...

Short Eyes: a pedophile, or one who is jailed for child molestation

Those Short Eyes

I see eyes looking at me.
Innocent eyes, tenderly.
Brilliant eyes, calling me.
Children' eyes, dauntingly.

I see eyes staring at me.
Icy eyes, glaringly.
Sinister eyes, wanting me.
Piercing eyes, haunting me.

Innocent child,
Innocent eyes.
Radiant smile,
Quiet and shy.

Come and sit with me a while.
I'm a friendly pedophile.
I'm an evil that lurks and festers,
I'm the Devil, a child molester.

Where's your father?
Where's your mother?
Do you have a sister or a brother?

Make a wish,
I insist.
Look, I have a special gift.

Be aware,
Do not stare.
Will you let me touch you there?

Do not yell,
Never tell,
Crawl into your little shell.

Ball into your private hell.

What a surprise,
Such beautiful eyes,
Can I caress inside your thighs?

Don't mind my sweat,
I like it wet.
Will you be my special pet?

Here one sec,
Gone the next.
You never know what to expect.

You're never going to forget.

Children beware,
Of strangers' stares.
Be conscious of their hidden lairs.

Don't be blind,
Know the signs,
They come in many shapes and kinds.

Their short eyes, are their disguise.
Be vigilant and recognize.
Confident and extra wise.

Know they're out there, everywhere.
Lying, hiding, always there.

Know that someone out there cares.
Trying, fighting for your care.

Don't be afraid to ask or share.
Don't be afraid of your fear.

Don't give in to strangers' lies?
Yell for help, vocalize.
Run and hide, to survive.
Tell someone about the guy.
It doesn't matter what your size,
Don't become his next prize.

A permanent living, breathing prize.

Somewhere, out there, freedom lies,
Beyond their grasp, binds and ties.
Reach for those you recognize,
Don't speak or go with those short eyes.

Copyright © October 2010
Kevin Mooney

10-30-2010 at 07:42:42 PM
  • kah
  • kah
  • Posts: 339

RE: Celebrating Kenneth Wooden's Birthday Contest

Kmooney - outstanding poem - clear, direct, and plain spoken - I love the skills you write of in the end part of the poem - ways for children to protect themselves.

11-05-2010 at 01:10:06 AM

RE: Celebrating Kenneth Wooden's Birthday Contest

Kevin - great work, not offensive, you write the the chilling truth in a wonderful poetic style. I hope you submit this poem in the Nov contest. Thanks..

11-05-2010 at 01:30:06 AM

RE: Celebrating Kenneth Wooden's Birthday Contest-A thank you from Kenneth Wo

Hello Fellow Poets, Ken Wooden Thank You:

Dear Fellow Poets, what a gentle salutation!

It is impossible to thank the sweet hearted lady from Steel City : Janice's heart and soul bigger than the state of PA. There is something special about PA. My Mother, Grace Theresa Ward was born in Freeland , Pa and my dear wife of 52 years - Martha B. Braun was born in Altoona . And, now I count as family the social poet, Janice, who sponsored my birthday Poetry Contest. It doesn’t get any better!

To the Poets who won, and to all those who entered the contest – I salute and thank you one and all. The poetry was a thrilling and most creative 75th birthday gift, and I shall treasure the poems as long as I live. Many years ago, a stately African American grandmother shared with me: “What comes from the heart reaches the heart”. You all did just that: You reached this Irish heart-and in so doing, allow me to share a poem I wrote many years ago, while visiting the birthplace of my Irish Grandmother, Bridget Boyle, whom I never had the pleasure or joy of knowing. She passed away long before my birth - during the great depression of the l930’s.


Yon lintel where Bridget pressed sm al l

Sea-chilled hands endures;

The Thatched roof has long disappeared into

Grass and wild flowers carpeting the floor.

W al l stones piled one-on-one ten score years

Past, now wind-washed, f al l back to earth


Through a long window frame, Washcla Lake mirrors

A sky of floating clouds conceived by the sea and winds.

Within these barren w al ls my ancestors were sheltered

and in the soft after glow of dying embers

they extended life….




Your name fades into the heather; an echo lost in silence

By the very sounds that touched the early summers

Of your foregone years.

With Mt. Errigi al at my back, the ocean beckons this

Grandson from the bog fields as it drew you and

The t al l sailor of Burton port.

There on the sands of former life, etern al waves

Carries near forgotten dreams into generations.

Alone in the house of our memories, I too, dream that

Which cannot be known until another in years hence

Returns and ponders the path from the roots of our

Sad and poignant past.

Kenneth Wooden, June 2, 1977

County Donegal , Eire

Again a heartfelt thanks to all the poets of OP; what a wonderful site - full of talented and gifted poets! Be Safe!

All The Best,
Kenneth Wooden 4/5/2010


11-05-2010 at 08:22:00 AM

RE: Celebrating Kenneth Wooden's Birthday Contest

Dear Mr. Wooden,

Thank you.

Wow ... I am so impressed by your beautiful poem ... wow ... you are a poet! ... this I now know ...

Yes, Janice is a gift to you and everyone ...

Happy birthday, once again ...

and thank you, Mr. Wooden ...

My best, Luna

11-05-2010 at 12:07:13 PM

RE: Celebrating Kenneth Wooden's Birthday Contest

Dear Luna,

Thank you Dear One! It's Ken to all my OP poet friendssmile

You have a gift Luna. Keep writing poetry, it's cathartic, healing and provides nourishment for the soul.

Again, I will cherish all the wonderful poems in celebration of my 75Th; a uniquely creative gift. What a wonderful surprise to be the recipient of such a thoughtful gift..

Janice loves her OP and OP friends; the 'Steele City' lady has a golden heart.

Thank you and the talented poets of OP for providing rocket fuel in helping to further boost awareness in preventing child abuse and bullying.

Be Safe.

Best Wishes,

Ken .

11-05-2010 at 01:41:10 PM

RE: Celebrating Kenneth Wooden's Birthday Contest

Dear Kenneth,

Thank you for offering this opportunity, for your work and sharing with us your fine poem. Donegal has a special place in my heart as my maternal grandmother was a Lowry and they came from Donegal county PA and their forefathers immigrated from Donegal in Northern Ireland to Philadelphia in PA.

Love, peace and freedom, Olan L. Smith (Olan01)

11-06-2010 at 10:49:32 PM

RE: Celebrating Kenneth Wooden's Birthday Contest

I see myself and wonder why,
I never did complain.
Those around me shuffle by,
And never know my pain.

Some may never give a damn,
Some may really care.
Some may lend a helping hand,
They all just look and stare.

I see myself through tear stained eyes,
Through rain washed window panes.
I hear the sounds of children cry,
Of those that feel the same.

Shadows pass by hauntingly,
With voices just like me.
Echoes cast dauntingly,
With joyless memories.

Standing in a mirror,
Gazing back at me.
I see a face growing nearer,
Craving sanctity.

As I reach to touch him,
He reaches out to me.
Our finger tips press together,
But lack affinity.

I wish life were easy,
I wish that I was free,
Of all the pain and suffering,
Bottled up in me.

I want someone to touch me,
Without hurting me.
To cherish and to love me,

I warm to my reflection,
Then better understand.
That my forlorn objections,
Were all part of the plan.

I know that God still loves me,
I just don't understand.
Was He thinking of me?
Was I part of His plan?

I want the world to perceive,
I'm honest and sincere.
Strong at heart and confident,
Loving without fear.

I want the world to believe,
I have no pained regret.
I belong and nothing's wrong,
I'll move on and forget.

I don't need assistance,
Pity or therapy.
I questioned my existence,
But now I am happy.

I want the world to be relieved,
Forget what's happened here.
I want to be the one I see,
Reflected in the mirror.

Copyright © November 2010
Kevin Mooney


11-07-2010 at 12:04:24 AM

RE: Celebrating Kenneth Wooden's Birthday Contest

Kevin thanks for your entry! I will forward it onto Ken.

Fellow OP poets, please pm when you post an entry for the contest; sub: entry in Ken Contest...

I appreciate it; it helps me keep track of all entries and forward them on asap when they are posted.

Good Luck everyone; I'm sure Ken will look forwad to your poems; as mentioned in his ty he will cherish them the rest of his life.

Thanks All!
Peace, Love and Lightgrin

A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.