Original Poetry Forums

Attention OP!!! Prayer request for ApaqRasgirl aka Asha

09-19-2010 at 04:12:11 AM

Attention OP!!! Prayer request for ApaqRasgirl aka Asha

My dear friends at OP, This site is so much more than just another poetry site, for so many of us this place is our home away from home, a place of friendship, a place to belong, to feel safe, for some even a family. I call upon the OP community to all gather and pray for a dear soul and friend to so many, my dear ApaqRasgirl aka Asha. She just got terrible news that her older brother was tragically killed the on September 16th 2010. Needless to say she is besides herself and torn to pieces. This is the message she left on her profile: I just got a call from TN. letting me know that my older brother passed away last night on the 16th from an apparent heart attack......autopsy results not in yet.......I have no way to get there to the funeral on monday......just wanted you to know I may not be on for a while......please send your prayers for me and my nephew that I raised........he is so hurt and in shock at the moment......thanks love asha
I call upon all members of OP far and wide to join together in pray for our dear friend, please post your prays both here and on her profile page, please let her know we are all here for her, her OP family... I may be called angel but Asha is a true angel and deserves to know she is in our prayers... Purity of the soul, journey well to all ANGEL

09-19-2010 at 09:53:44 AM


[b]We regret the sudden death of the eldest brother of Asha's (her pen-name. ApaqRasgirl) on September 18th,

She needs our prayers.

This prayer I prayed to Jehovah God and Christ, with Asha specially in my mind, today


O, Omnipotent Architect Of The Universe
We bring our humble friends to thee;
Be with them on the stormy deep,
Be with them in the silent hour
By land or sea , awake or asleep.
Be their Helper, Strength and Tower.

Maintain them, O God of Right, ,
Through their earthly strife;
Each holding forth the Word of Life,

Be their Light to brighten future days,
Let then not falter nor fail,
Though the rocky paths be uneven.

Stand up, Brethren- speak with cheerful voice,
We bid you fight for a blessed dawn;
Where be no room for despair.
And all hopes will be leaven;
Go-- win the country of your choice
Of Truth and Liberty and Heaven,

Last edited by cousinsoren 09-19-2010 at 10:11:25 AM

09-19-2010 at 09:53:44 AM


09-20-2010 at 01:12:27 PM

RE: Attention OP!!! Prayer request for ApaqRasgirl aka Asha

thank you all so very much for the prayers and kind caring words. You my family hear have help me up through all the tears I have shed these last couple of days and nights....for without all of your kind words,,,,,,the word Alone......would have been a tremendous place I would have been in without all of you......for I am too far from my home in TN to attend the services.........but I have sent my love with flowers and I wrote a poem for my nephew and emailed it to the funeral home to be read in my behalf at the services tonight.........It is also posted on my page should any of my friends care to read it......and thank you to the two friends that I emailed it too for their editing as I had very little time to get it done and sent.....it took me till just a little while ago to find the words I wanted to write but alas the did come to me......

.....Now is the Shocking part of my loss, I just received word from my nephew that his fathers death was not natural that he was murdered by someone he knew over 400 dollars in his pocket and a bottle of pain meds he had on him........my brother was retired and dealt with a lot of pain from three surgeries on his back and lots of people knew he carried his meds with him........this news is so very shocking to me and I at this moment do not know how to deal with this........but at this point my main concern has been to keep my precious nephew Travis calm and keep him from doing something that he father nor I would want him to do......He got the police report and read it then he flew into a rage.......we wont know the answers for sure until the autopsy report comes out............please dear friends help me to pray for my precious nephew whom I raised for many years that he will have the strength to get through this and keep his head on his shoulders and make his father proud........Travis is a big boy over 6'8 and with even a bigger kinder heart, but he is also very protective of his family.............thank you all so much for your prayers and kind words......I will let you know more as I find out the detail............as always loves ya all bunches ***Namaste asha

09-20-2010 at 01:29:25 PM

RE: Attention OP!!! Prayer request for ApaqRasgirl aka Asha

Dear Asha ... ... I'm sorry. ... please know that everything will be ok ... you are being watched over ... and your nephew, as well ............

09-20-2010 at 01:31:37 PM

RE: RE: Attention OP!!! Prayer request for ApaqRasgirl aka Asha

Originally Posted by lunamarie

Dear Asha ... ... I'm sorry. ... please know that everything will be ok ... you are being watched over ... and your nephew, as well ............

Thank you so very much luna for your caring and concern..........I need all my friends at this point to keep my head clear so I can help my nephew deal with this........thanks loves ya asha

09-20-2010 at 01:50:56 PM

RE: Attention OP!!! Prayer request for ApaqRasgirl aka Asha

ASHA, i feel for you! I pray that your Nephew will see this trategy stoically , and as a Christian, and his anger will drain away from his mind,.

May the depraved demon that attacked your brother be caught.

You are in Florida, and the tragedy occurred in Tennessee. You were not able to get there for the final goodbye ceremony. The life of My friend , in Seattle, (he died by illness) will be celebrated October 2nd. Unfortunately, I cannot travel such a far distance, because of my health. However, my two daughters and my brother will attend.

Do not lose courage, My Friend! I believe your brother will want you to go on with your life, as happily as possible. You owe that to your family, your nephew ,yourself and your God.......................and to us, your friends ...??? LOL.

Last edited by cousinsoren 09-23-2010 at 08:31:52 AM

09-20-2010 at 01:50:56 PM

RE: Attention OP!!! Prayer request for ApaqRasgirl aka Asha

Last edited by cousinsoren 09-23-2010 at 08:34:54 AM

09-20-2010 at 02:52:02 PM

RE: Attention OP!!! Prayer request for ApaqRasgirl aka Asha

My heart goes out to you and yours. In the last 3 months 3 close people have been taken away.
I wish you well and may the healing process take you in its arms and cradle you.

09-20-2010 at 03:16:07 PM

RE: Attention OP!!! Prayer request for ApaqRasgirl aka Asha

Thank you so very much dear Oren and Embraced for your kind and loving words.....my family here at OP have kept me going strong with all their loving support.....thanks to both of you and as always loves ya bunches **Namaste asha

09-23-2010 at 08:15:45 AM


Originally Posted by cousinsoren

09-23-2010 at 11:55:07 PM

RE: Attention OP!!! Prayer request (Thanks to all of my family here, love asha)

To all my dear family here at OP, I dedicate this song to all of you, for all the love and support you have given me from your caring and loving hearts during my deepest time of need with the loss of my beloved brother Terry. Your words and messages have help me tremendously hold it together in this most desperate and saddened time in my live these last few days which felt endless. Though I am far yet from any closure in my grieving, especially for my dearest nephew Travis, you love and support kept me sane when I needed to be more than ever for him.....More than you will ever know is how much I cherished each and everyone of you for your support and love....Thanks to all of you for your love and support........And please forgive me for not keeping up with my reading and commenting on all my friends poems, for at this time I simple needed to drown out my hurting heart with music and other things to occupy my thoughts.........At the time I did not feel I could read and do your wonderful poems justice when my heart and thoughts were else where with family too far away.........Just please give me a little patience for I promise I shall catch up on all I have missed of my families wonderful writings............thanks just is not enough to say for all you have given to me......so I play this song for all of you as the rest of my days and yours as well are yet unwritten...but through our continued love, support and sharing, I know those pages will spin like a whirlwind with more loving words to share with all......loves ya each and everyone bunches.........just simple silly country girl speak..........lol...........as always ****Namaste asha

Last edited by ApaqRasgirl 09-23-2010 at 11:56:15 PM

To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)