Original Poetry Forums

A note 4 you, from Madelynn

09-01-2010 at 11:17:43 PM

RE: A note 4 you, from Madelynn

I am so very sorry to hear this news. Though I have limited time here, I have found you, Maddi, to be a kind and beautiful spirit and I am praying for the very best for you.

09-02-2010 at 11:01:55 AM

RE: A note 4 you, from Madelynn

Having our 'druthers, we would not hear news like this. However to" say a prayer for" someone is a thing most of us believers will utter to those who want to hear it.
Entering into "intercession" on the other hand is something God himself wants to hear. It means deciding to, and entering into a state of mind where we agonize over the one prayed for and entreat the God of this universe with abandonment of self on their behalf. You're too young Matti and divine intervention needs to be appealed for.
Keep looking up grin

09-02-2010 at 12:12:48 PM

RE: A note 4 you, from Madelynn

Your Heart Like Beautiful Stained Glass

Captured in Maddi's Web

Prayers of many we have sent for thee
Dearest friend and poet we hear & feel your needs, our hands reach out to you
Capture our thoughts and prayers for your needs, let them fill your heart with glee
Neatly woven into your spiders web, captured them with love, that shall not be a tangled brew

Your words fashioned in your true poetic style
"For you cannot be a reader-without me, who is the writer"
For we are much better poets when combined in your finely designed argyll
Poet friends like you, are a rare breed, on our lips, like a sweet sip of heavenly cider

"Yes to disagree, I must agree"
"You see, I am the web; and you are the spider."
And what a fine spider Miss Maddi, you have trapped in your web, so freely
His love and devotion, always shown, in his caring for his loving spider

Beautiful spirit of our poet Maddi, let our words keep it light & sailing free
Return to us, utmost speed of recovery, with our prayers & thoughts, we send to thee

Written by
2010red facesickrolleyestongue wink
For dear poet friend Maddi, a speedy recovery in our prayers

Last edited by ApaqRasgirl 09-02-2010 at 03:36:34 PM

09-02-2010 at 03:27:00 PM

RE: A note 4 you, from Madelynn

The doctors are saying that her white bood cells, are growing at a miracle rate.
They are asking her how does she do it, she said, it's her faith in God.
so your love, and prayers are doing it also, I thank you, I know Madelynn does.
smile WS

Last edited by WordSlinger 09-02-2010 at 03:28:33 PM

09-02-2010 at 03:32:12 PM

RE: RE: A note 4 you, from Madelynn

Originally Posted by WordSlinger

The doctors are saying that her white bood cells, are growing at a miracle rate.
They are asking her how does she do it, she said, it's her faith in God.
so your love, and prayers are doing it also, I thank you, I know Madelynn does.
smile WS

That is wonderful news John, thank you for letting us know about her improvement.......Now go give her big Hugggsssss and Kissessss on the cheek from asha..............loves ya both bunches asha

Last edited by ApaqRasgirl 09-02-2010 at 03:32:51 PM

09-02-2010 at 04:24:44 PM

RE: A note 4 you, from Madelynn

ty John for the update and we poets are relieved to hear this. Get Well soon Maddi!!
ginga grin

09-02-2010 at 05:53:13 PM

RE: A note 4 you, from Madelynn

as long as there is love and faith in your heart you can do anything you go girl we love you . Marie

09-02-2010 at 07:05:49 PM

RE: A note 4 you, from Madelynn

This is good news, my friends. i hope all continues to improve. Walk in love, peace and freedom, Olan

09-02-2010 at 11:48:19 PM

RE: A note 4 you, from Madelynn

Hi Maddi,
I'm sending you as much love and positive energy from PA. that I can. Get well and start writing again. You and John are in my thoughts and prayers.

09-03-2010 at 08:21:18 AM

RE: A note 4 you, from Madelynn

Dear Maddi! I wish you all the best excaimhealth and happinesscool smileand a lot off sunny dayssmile

09-03-2010 at 12:27:23 PM

RE: A note 4 you, from Madelynn

Thank you all for your comments, love, and prayers.
I give her credit, she is a strong willed woman.
She is impressive when these circumstances that shall go away soon.
I am so proud of her, she says she's proud of me,
I am more proud of her, you see, when she has feeling good spells,
she helps me with the Bleed for a Cause project, and really
she needs to eat , and sleep, but this takes her mind off of it.

Keep praying everyone, because it is working, smile


09-03-2010 at 05:39:55 PM

RE: A note 4 you, from Madelynn

I am so myopic, I didn't read this post till minutes ago and feel like its my density to be this way. Please forgive my blindness that could easily be taken as calousness. I am trying to be of help but didn't understand what you're going through. So now, I shall triple my efforts in several arenas to really be useful to you.
Give me a pointer to the task and it is done. You are most loved here, so whether it is a faithful few, or many, God is faithful and will complete the work He has begun in you.
(Oh, and while you rest, stay clear of the firelogs)shock

09-03-2010 at 06:02:11 PM

RE: A note 4 you, from Madelynn

To our friend who suffers and needs to rest can rest assured our prayers are with you. All things can be controlled by the creators hand. He will provide what we need, not necessasarily what we want. He will anwer the prayers being offered in his own way, which will be for your benefit. All good things in life come from him above. Love, healing and peace being sent your way be open for his touch.

A. W. Nutter

09-04-2010 at 12:35:52 PM

RE: RE: A note 4 you, from Madelynn

Originally Posted by WordSlinger

Thank you all for your comments, love, and prayers.
I give her credit, she is a strong willed woman.
She is impressive when these circumstances that shall go away soon.
I am so proud of her, she says she's proud of me,
I am more proud of her, you see, when she has feeling good spells,
she helps me with the Bleed for a Cause project, and really
she needs to eat , and sleep, but this takes her mind off of it.

Keep praying everyone, because it is working, smile


May thoughtful energies of Goodness and Strength overwhelm you both....

09-04-2010 at 05:29:02 PM

RE: A note 4 you, from Madelynn

Thank You John,
for this beautiful testimonial update-
oh this makes for celebration! of souls -{{{{{ YAY!}}}}} I Love Inspirin' Updates !!
I am filled with much contentedness knowin' that Dynamic Healin' Energy has made connection to our spirit friend Maddi, may the liftin' continue indefinitely
"Maddi is a beautiful Spirit that Brings us together" in Love and Light...
Instantaneously we learn through another that we have the ability to heal-oneself from the inside out along with our Faith and love as our prayer- and friends are that love along side Faith- are the manifestation of Dynamic Energy Healin'..
John you're Maddi's (Rock) Strength and Inspiration through all of this...
Terry and I continue to Keep Maddi and all OP Poet Friends in Prayer ...
~ This is only the Beginnin' of Positive things ~..
May the Great Spirit Bless You ,Maddi, and all Graciously.......
Peace, Love and Light, Tierra@}-'-,


We've never had to look far to find our angels. Angels have never really been out of reach. We can always discover angels from the inside-out, because it is the angel inside us who can point the way to all our other angels.
-- Author Unknown

Last edited by tierra7 09-04-2010 at 05:31:53 PM

09-05-2010 at 05:40:21 PM

RE: A note 4 you, from Madelynn

My results were quite incredible- I have been through this type of situation a coupl of times when I was in my 20s- and, almost met the creator a few times now- one of those episodes landed me in c.c.u for a month. I came out of it unable to walk or remember the simplist things, like elementary math, how to write cursive,- all those amazing facts I learned through the years- and even how old I was, and my childrens birthdays.. I retaught myself everything- still was left with debilitaing rheumatiod arhtheritris, and lotsa pain (I refused to take vicodin, or any of the other poison apples they tried to give me)- the mind and spirit should control pain, and pleasure.. not a man/ or a pill (just my opinion). Anyways 2yrs ago- my rheumatologist said I needed to get 'fitted' for a walker, and was expected to be in a wheel chair within three years- All I heard was- 'Dear, you'll never run or hike again.. ' that night I prayed so hard- I told God that if this was what was intended for me by His grace, I would gladly spend the rest of my days walking with my arms for Him- but, if He delivers me, I would be sure to spend my life doing HIS work.. the next morning I woke for the first time in 10 yrs- pain free. -the doctors couldnt find an artheritis count at all- and, my blood count was at a healthy level. Not three months later I was running with my bestfriend Bear(my Akita)- everynight! The Doctor said that in 30yrs of medicine he never seen body- heal itself in this way. Now- the dang thing is trying to come back on me- plus a cancer-maybe- sooo, we'll hand it all up to God!!- ps- the doctor said, he dont get it.. but my blood is building on its own- while Im bleeding-.. thanks for all the blessings everyone! -Im tired, but lastnight I worked on restoring the house with John, and poets of blood stuff! Im hangin in there- I have to go to Susan G. Komens medical center soon for a test, and have those upper and lower scopes on the 17th- dont worry, I plan to stump the doctors again ...lol love you all, and Tierra and Terry- thank you for the recent card- WOW, you guys are like family- big-giant-knock- the- wind- outta ya- squeezes.. Maddiwink

09-05-2010 at 06:29:31 PM

RE: RE: A note 4 you, from Madelynn

Originally Posted by Madelynn

My results were quite incredible- I have been through this type of situation a coupl of times when I was in my 20s- and, almost met the creator a few times now- one of those episodes landed me in c.c.u for a month. I came out of it unable to walk or remember the simplist things, like elementary math, how to write cursive,- all those amazing facts I learned through the years- and even how old I was, and my childrens birthdays.. I retaught myself everything- still was left with debilitaing rheumatiod arhtheritris, and lotsa pain (I refused to take vicodin, or any of the other poison apples they tried to give me)- the mind and spirit should control pain, and pleasure.. not a man/ or a pill (just my opinion). Anyways 2yrs ago- my rheumatologist said I needed to get 'fitted' for a walker, and was expected to be in a wheel chair within three years- All I heard was- 'Dear, you'll never run or hike again.. ' that night I prayed so hard- I told God that if this was what was intended for me by His grace, I would gladly spend the rest of my days walking with my arms for Him- but, if He delivers me, I would be sure to spend my life doing HIS work.. the next morning I woke for the first time in 10 yrs- pain free. -the doctors couldnt find an artheritis count at all- and, my blood count was at a healthy level. Not three months later I was running with my bestfriend Bear(my Akita)- everynight! The Doctor said that in 30yrs of medicine he never seen body- heal itself in this way. Now- the dang thing is trying to come back on me- plus a cancer-maybe- sooo, we'll hand it all up to God!!- ps- the doctor said, he dont get it.. but my blood is building on its own- while Im bleeding-.. thanks for all the blessings everyone! -Im tired, but lastnight I worked on restoring the house with John, and poets of blood stuff! Im hangin in there- I have to go to Susan G. Komens medical center soon for a test, and have those upper and lower scopes on the 17th- dont worry, I plan to stump the doctors again ...lol love you all, and Tierra and Terry- thank you for the recent card- WOW, you guys are like family- big-giant-knock- the- wind- outta ya- squeezes.. Maddiwink

That is wonderful news my dear friend Maddi. I am so happy that you are feeling better. My prayers and blessings are in my thoughts for you everyday and every hour of each day. I know you will shock the doctors with your amazing ability to let it all be in Gods hands, for your faith and all of your friends combined praying for your health to return will knock them out of their chairs the next time they test you and find you are so much better. Keep up the wonderful strong faith you have my friend and I know all of us will keep on doing our part each day as we continue to hold you dearly in our thoughts and prayers........blessings to you dear, love and light ****Namaste.........love asha

P.S. btw, has John been giving you those huggs and kisses I have been sending your way, if not tell him he owes me big time..........lol.........loves ya bunches, ashasnakecool smilered facetongue winkcheesegrin

09-05-2010 at 06:39:36 PM

RE: A note 4 you, from Madelynn

You and John both are special and i know in my heart you will come through this . You have a great heart and spirit . My prayers are with both of you Marie

09-05-2010 at 07:31:40 PM

RE: A note 4 you, from Madelynn

Thank you for sharing the great news with all of us. I'm glad to hear that the Great Spirit is providing rapid healing for you.Tierra and I will continue to pray for healing for you and send love and pure white light your way.We look forward to reading more of your beautiful poems soon.Love and light.

09-06-2010 at 02:14:39 AM

RE: A note 4 you, from Madelynn

Looky, what all my poet dear love poet sent me,
I am so happy right now,
If I'm sick someone should tell me Spirit
because it sure is smiling.

Thank you all my Guardian Angel Poets


With Love,

1.My Human Light, Get well My Love, I , and of your friends love you, :X:Best Wishes,
John E. WordSlinger Poet/Word Designer
Nudged Sketches of Flighty Things
2.I miss you 'Lil Sis, Get well soon. I love you (Big Bro) Oren
3. Our Love sent to You !!!!Ken & Nicole
4.wonderful lady. And a fine poet..STRYX
5.Roger Elliott(oldgoat)
6.My prayers added...Mike R.(stetson)
7.My Prayers added too- Dee(DeeTamayo)
8."…and carefully I grew my wings
while sipping clouds and ingesting light,
and the brilliant bolts of brewing visions
buzzed along the circuit of balance
between sun and moon..."
may you gather the light—dah
9.We love you very much Maddi and my heart and prayers are with you each and every moment of the day.....please get well soon and come back to writing your beautiful poems for all your poets friends to enjoy reading........blessing dear.......love and light ****Namaste asha
10.Love and Light sent to You !!!! TNTee/Terry and Tierra
12.Jackie Applewhite (texaswriter)
13.I wish you a speedy recovery and just remember that God hasn't forgotten about you. Take the time to pray and take some time to understand your situation to know that everything is not always what it seem.
Dee (a.k.a soullite)
14.Love Rita(koolmom)
15.Add me in! cc.slim
16.Johnny Colacino (boomboom56 )
17.speedy recovery, Mike ( California )
18. Olan L. Smith.( Olan01smile
19.Maddi: My prayer for you.
Let Maddi feel the warmth of your presence
Drink the healing elixir of your essence
Get well soon Maddi. Your friend Rhymer
20.. Susan from the West Coast..(Springsize)
21. StandingBear
22.. Kah - Hugs and sister luv to you, Maddi!
23 Dancing Hawk!
24.hey Maddi I certainly hope that you are on the mend and will soon be back to normal
look forward to seeing back
25 Shannie Boden (Shannie76)
Your friends are here because we care. We lift you up in prayer and ask Gods will in your life. We all miss you and wish you a speedy recovery. We look forward to seeing your smiling face in the pages of your work. Luv Ya Maddi, LoneWolf
27.Sweet Maddi take care, I'll be checking in on you! Lots of love...Mindy aka Samwink
28. Anna (Forestbird)
29. Julie Layne Dietrich (lessliketharest)
30.Your sister-in-Christ, Necy
31.Dearest Maddi,
May you be wrapped in healing light and your spirit be lifted high by the love and warm wishes sent to you from all of us who hold you dear. Our thoughts and prayers will be with you always during this difficult time. And I realize that many people during this time will be offering to be there if you need anything, and I ask that you treat it as more than lip service and feel compelled to allow us, your friends, to be there for you for you in any, any, any way you need and we will be blessed and honored to be there for you in whatever way you need. May peace and healing be yours!
~Simone (Marie)
I am so sorry to hear that you are not well. I hope that you are soon back to your old vibrant, witty, beautiful self. Take it really easy sweetheart.
Hugs 4 u.............from: icu2

33. We will remember you in our prayers.............Tom King
34.Mareann- Mary Eaton(http://marysbridge.org/)
35.Get well soon Jeff AKA the Inkmaster...
36.Richard Bates
37.. Maria Pulido (poett) from original poetry
38.Tell maddie i said get well soon I'll be praying ^_^Ashley
39.get well....Stefy
40. Waiting for that beautiful face to grace us once again! - Michael (Balladeer)
41.Maddi, Get well hon. Sending you love and prayers for a speedy recovery...Tom (bandit)
42.My hope for you, dear Maddi, is that healing and love assault your senses, with a light that is unrivaled by the summer sun. I pray for your continued and common quest to
knowtheonewhomadeya. Marck

09-06-2010 at 02:45:24 AM

RE: A note 4 you, from Madelynn

Hi Maddiexcaim so happy that you are OKcool smile
have a great daywink

09-18-2010 at 06:25:13 AM

RE: A note 4 you, from Madelynn

Madelynn had her first round of tests yesterday, and came out like a champion, so far the doctors say everything looks good. She is resting. She gave that drink before you test a fight, she hated it so bad, but she followed the docs orders..

I am so proud of her...she's a fighter....

09-18-2010 at 06:39:29 AM

RE: A note 4 you, from Madelynn

John, this is great news! Maddi .. keep fighting with your head up! StandingBearzipper

09-18-2010 at 06:42:26 AM

RE: A note 4 you, from Madelynn

Thank you for this wonderful news.I will let Tierra know and I am sure that she will be as glad as I am to hear this great news.We will continue to pray for Maddi for healing until she has received a miracle and is back on O.P and we will continue to pray for you for strength.God will bless your lives with a miracle.We love you both very much. Love and light.

09-18-2010 at 07:16:36 AM

RE: A note 4 you, from Madelynn

Yay! John,
Other than bein' a tad bit Speechless-
I must say what a Perfect way to start a Sat. Mornin'...
Way to Go Miss Maddi, tiny but Mighty!! (((Huggz))))
Thank You John for deliverin' This Absolute Anointin' Announcement !!!
Namaste! Namaste! I Love You Both Peace ,Love and Light, Tierra@}-'-,

Self Healin' Begins....
There is this infinite Power,
That we all Don,
It is of our very Own...

We Posses it,
It lives deep within us...
We Call upon it,

To Heal~

To Restore~

To Balance us as a Whole...

When things Drain us,
And makes our Spirits weak....
Close your Eyes,
And Visualize this Light...

Comin' Down~

From your Crown~

Hold it , in the Palm of your Hand,
Where it Graciously gather's,
To bring in, or send out,
This Light, comes from a Higher Power...
That is a part of You...

Summon the Violet Light, From Mother Earths Love,

Let it Rise...
From beyond your Feet,
Feel the Vibration, as the two Meet ...

The Universe,
Has many Gifts for Us...
If we allow to Understand ,
With out a Questionable Doubt...

No need to put too much Thought,
Allow your Mind, to Explore and Check it out...

It helps Keep ,the Soul Lit,
The Mind, Uncluttered,
The Body, Unpolluted,
And a Beautiful Aura Fired Up...

Self Healin' Begins....
With self- from the inside, of ones Shell..
Just Believe....
Discharge all activity ; Restore it,
With Love and Light...

Watch the Manifestation
As it Restores the Bein,' we're Meant to Be...
Our Spirit is Released and Soars Free...


WordSlinger commented on Self Healin' Begins....
14 hr 54 min ago
Thank you so much I needed this today, I am gathering all the light, and thinking positive, I love this write, thank you so much for thinking of us all, ty WS and Maddi


TY - and you're most Graciously welcomed~Our light follows your path... I wrote this real late last night ,after Terry and I did Prayer, for all our Friends.. Thinkin' 'bout Maddi,and her appointment for today- inspired me to follow through with the lighted path..Great Spirit Blessings! Love ya Both, Tierra @}-'-,

Last edited by tierra7 09-18-2010 at 07:22:19 AM

Poetry is either something that lives like fire inside you or else it is nothing, an empty formalized bore around which pedants can endlessly drone their notes and explanations.

Unknown Source