Original Poetry Forums


07-19-2010 at 12:29:16 PM


Is it even possible to talk about moral restraint as a force for positive change, these days?


07-19-2010 at 02:49:27 PM


Sure, talk about anything you want. What do you want to say on the matter?

07-19-2010 at 04:52:59 PM


A reasonable degree of moral self restraint seems ineffective & self-defeating at first glance these days, but it's like a good financial investment that grows with enjoyment over time.

Your turn, MootPoint


07-19-2010 at 05:58:48 PM


In who's world has moral self restraint been ineffective and self defeating?

I am not sure which side you are taking. I don't get your analogy. Maybe I am just dense and need it all spelled out for me.

This is my opinion. Porn enslaves people to give up there morality, subjects them to disease, and opens them up to possible drug use.

It also has no artistic value in most cases. By watching a porn you are promoting the subjugation of people. For the young male mind women become an object of a desire and not a human being.

07-19-2010 at 06:58:44 PM


I'm sorry to have seemed so indecisive. I agree with you 100% about the influence of porn My point is that we who know after seeing innocent & unwary kids of families we know, ruin their lives as a direct influence of this kind of sewage. We have simply not been effective in reducing its seeming popularity. Moreover the stuff seems to be getting help in winning public acceptance from moneyed interests who control modern mass communications media.

In MANY urban business & social settings (schools beyond about the 6th grade ) moral restraint is actively ridiculed

I guess this old battle relic is feeling that the forces of decent human behavior are out-gunned & viewed as antiquated, these days. LOL

07-20-2010 at 02:49:30 AM


So true devaaa...but morals is timeless...it is always true and forever...regardless of there are people following or not following it...

Poetry is not the expression of personality but an escape from personality.

T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.