Original Poetry Forums

Thread on the Catastrophic Oil in the Gulf of Mexico(Please add your entry)

05-05-2010 at 12:03:07 PM

Thread on the Catastrophic Oil Spill the Gulf of Mexico (Submit Yours)

This is my very first attempt at Haiku...this was influenced by the catastrophic oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, which they are currently burning off the surface.

Gulf of Fire

Once Beautiful Gulf
Engulfed By Waves Of Fire
Lord, What Have We Done



Last edited by SuSpence 05-05-2010 at 12:15:55 PM

05-08-2010 at 08:33:19 AM

RE: Thread on the Catastrophic Oil in the Gulf of Mexico(Please add your entry)

Here is a great write, which is relavant to this news story. This is by Wordslinger!

The Oceans Black Death


The burning sinks the suface wax

Black smoke rises thick,

Now earths’ blood falls

up in into the ocean, this is protocol




The ocean has buboes isn’t that cute

Look into the eyes of the jeopardized suit

Ask them to show you what can still breath

Against the achievements of spreading disease

You can smell our strength, you can feel our strife

Wisdom pumping out a massive pulse of life

The world needs a shot of gumption, you see

And fight to the death of corruption, Calvary

What a dam shame, the need for the seas

Protection from these murderous thieves

The symbolic use of skeleton fish bones

Immunity from the fleas of thrones

As far as throwing stones, I’m throwing stars

So take a big ol’ puff of those Cuban cigars

Such a bad taste for the Mississippi mouth

Locked in the truth, in the trunk of regulations

is the price of Oils’ masturbations

Oil companies have barrels full of lies

Jump into their lie-jackets, all’re going to die

Like rats on merchant ships sailing the seas

Now our marine life has black death disease

Keep on drilling infants, we’re going far

Soon the seafood will taste like car tar

Pumpers pumping out a massive pulse of death

You can smell the fear;- don’t hold your breath


These are the works we are looking for. Keep up the good work John.


05-10-2010 at 07:38:08 PM

RE: Thread on the Catastrophic Oil in the Gulf of Mexico(Please add your entry)

the planet is 3/4 ocean. Life here means ocean. Everything in the food change is somehow connected to the seas of the planet. Either by living in it or thriving from its rainfall. It's the same water used over and over again. The spill and the chemicals used to clean it will effect the food chain. That means all of us.

Sleeplessly Pondering

Are we born for noble acts, a greatness
to uplift our surroundings for worthy,
unselfish, and generous causes in life?

I don't think so; because, self identity is
something fleeting or the changeling
that’s constantly modified; it might be we
are more like shapeless amebas that reach
out to touch everything upon the path
with outstretched pseudo-fingertips: sad
wanderings in the briny liquid of life.

Give us a cesspool and we'll thrive on
whatever is there. Look what we've
done to the giving earth without
thinking at all about her generous offer
within life’s abundance. We’ve achieved
this while posing in ardent glory of self
righteous gluttony and pitiless wars.

© RH Peat 5/10/ 2010 4:25pm
Form 3 strophes/ 17 lines

06-01-2010 at 05:58:50 AM

RE: Thread on the Catastrophic Oil in the Gulf of Mexico(Please add your entry)

Attack of Black

Death has once again pumped her black ink, to smear the reflection of the sky
Self-damnation whispers our name, while oil-pregnant jet planes pass by
Treasure in the form of resin gold, abstracted from earth's skin deep
By a man-made syringe of cold metal, to steal the tar elite

To kill or not to kill?
Not only applies to war
When the issue is OIL
Murder reasons to implore

What else will human-greed allow, this Texas tea to rape?
Our necessities are polluted, without means of escape
If time is our greatest teacher, why does 'he' insist to teach-
Students that refuse to learn; You must practice what you preach


blank stareblank starelong face

06-02-2010 at 12:58:57 PM

RE: Thread on the Catastrophic Oil in the Gulf of Mexico(Please add your entry)

I just talked to a Truck driving fleet down there in Fl, and all.
They are hoping for a Hurricane to blow that mess on shore,
so do what you to make that happen, just a little Earth 2.0 strategy.

06-02-2010 at 02:08:25 PM

RE: Thread on the Catastrophic Oil in the Gulf of Mexico(Please add your entry)

The pelicans will bring back the jerry curl, the mice will be free of lice. We won't have to travel far to see the black coast, now won't that be quite nice. We won't have to purchase crisco, to grease up our pans, and once again blackened red fish, will be back by popular demand.sick

06-02-2010 at 03:32:52 PM
  • kah
  • kah
  • Posts: 339

RE: Thread on the Catastrophic Oil in the Gulf of Mexico(Please add your entry)

I cannot even look at the pictures
Without feeling pain inside.
If I suffer this, here, on dry land
Imagine the agony
of ocean life...
Unable to defend itself
Clean itself...
These beautiful life forms
Watching their offspring die
Without knowing why.

Ominous black liquid cloud
Set loose by greed...

I am scared.

06-04-2010 at 01:18:41 PM

RE: Thread on the Catastrophic Oil in the Gulf of Mexico(Please add your entry)

"Father, I Have Sinned"

…then, there is their destiny, as if a rotten
vein, as if Jesus, through his thorns,
shed their destiny for them with his loving blood.

Behind white walls, behind locked
white doors, the White Whip cracks its tip,
and hate heats up its ferocious beast.

In this vision:
the warriors, those taught herds
of predators, fall to their knees
near the kill, and choking on
the pungent perfume of spilled blood,
scream up at the sky: Father, I have sinned,
I have committed a mortal sin!

Like imprisoned flocks, the warriors’ spirits
suffer in their master’s cage; confusion
touches one grave after another, and

the world, dressed in pain,
burns its deadly oil.

Last edited by dahlusion 06-04-2010 at 01:19:22 PM

06-04-2010 at 06:06:04 PM

Catastrophic Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico (Please add your entry)

Gone the Seas of Azure

Peering from above the waves
Squats a baby gull a-calling
Flapped his pearly white wings
Sails down to the ocean’s shore.

Came a grieving cry from bird
Where have my beaches gone
Where is the glistening sand
That was here only a whisper ago.

This moment - painted in time
Of serene beauty indeed
Is now a bleak black blight
Painted over by men of greed…

06-05-2010 at 02:13:10 PM

RE: Thread on the Catastrophic Oil in the Gulf of Mexico(Please add your entry)

cool grinNo Gulf Balls Are Flying Here!

No Gulf Balls Are Flying Here!
No Gulf balls are flying here...
The economy is taking a tanking for sure,right here.

Oil jobs are being lost...
At what costs?

Beaches in Pensacola Florida,now have a blackened eye of oil...
The beaches are tarred like the biggest pictured spoil.

BP,is that blood pressure,always pumping?...
Or just British Petroleum,The leaks always jumping.

BP is just spending money on the presses...
Instead of ending all,their own misspelled,messes.

What can We do?...
But be all through!

06-06-2010 at 01:06:40 AM

RE: RE: Thread on the Catastrophic Oil in the Gulf of Mexico(Please add your entry)

the world, dressed in pain,
burns its deadly oil.

Good God. Dahlushion, You have given added dimension, a sinister warning, "the world, dressed in pain,
burns its deadly oil.," to the lament of your original poem,

"Father. I Have Sinned,". What can we poor victims do, if the powers that be go their pernicious ways , and not listening to the fears and cries of the fearful and conscientious?. There is a sad speculation that the oil spill ,in the Gulf. is due to too deep drilling into the belly of the earth ,without anticipating that present day "well capping measures'" would be incapable of controlling the unexpected immense spurt of oil. Man, without admitting it, has always been an endangered species , and a menace to all other forms of life , by his own doing.."Mene,,mene tekel upharsin" in a language unkown to ancient Babylonian .many many ages centuries was written on a wall. The warning translated into English is "You are weighed in the scales and are found wanting" was true for men of all ages, dynasties and civilizations.. It is even more true for us today. The writing is still on the wall for those who care to see and read. The "powers that be" ,through greed and excessive materialism, are relentlessly bent on self- destruction. They are busily fulfilling the prophesies of Nostrodamus and the Jewish sages. Poets with voice,environmentalists, moralists and others who are impelled to speak, like John the Baptist preaching in the wilderness , and by the Jordan, his message and warnings heeded by the poor and simple,, unheeded by the great and arrogant, must continue to cry out against the Herods, Herodiases and Salomes of modern times.
Shall we do like John The Baptist, Christ, Confucius and Mohammed?

Last edited by cousinsoren 06-06-2010 at 02:12:11 AM

06-06-2010 at 01:57:52 AM

RE: Thread on the Catastrophic Oil in the Gulf of Mexico(Please add your entry)


Each day imposes tribulations,
Inflicts great wounds;
Fresh challenges assault protoplasm……
With myself I must be harsh
Not to address the Questions in empty air,
Which have no answers ,
Though I yearn to learn more ,
I know less about myself.
Good and Evil treat the festering breed
Like wind among the trees, ….
Like pawns.
They push kings, queens, knights , bishops and rooks,
It is an endless game of chess it seems;
They cleverly counter each other’s move,
They may relentlessly stalemate.

A loud Silence deafens----
The lips of Mystery are sealed. Oh why?
Tens of thousands dead
Lay on the shore,
What disaster, not the first, could be the last!
A pair of blue jeans hung from a shrub--
It was needed no more---
Whoever he or she was, he or she is
The wearer decomposed .
Others were before , more shall be!
Their troubles are over, though
They left the World to bite her blackened nails

Last edited by cousinsoren 06-06-2010 at 02:16:54 AM

06-06-2010 at 03:03:18 AM

RE: Thread on the Catastrophic Oil Spill the Gulf of Mexico (Submit Yours)

Originally Posted by SuSpence

This is my very first attempt at Haiku...this was influenced by the catastrophic oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, which they are currently burning off the surface.

Gulf of Fire

Once Beautiful Gulf
Engulfed By Waves Of Fire
Lord, What Have We Done




I am thinking, Suspence, that all OP Members and the conscious world share concern over the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill.

Last edited by cousinsoren 06-06-2010 at 12:54:06 PM

06-06-2010 at 03:33:37 AM

RE: RE: Thread on the Catastrophic Oil in the Gulf of Mexico(Please add your entry)

Originally Posted by SuSpence

Here is a great write, which is relavant to this news story. This is by Wordslinger!

The Oceans Black Death


The burning sinks the suface wax

Black smoke rises thick,

Now earths’ blood falls

up in into the ocean, this is protocol




The ocean has buboes isn’t that cute

Look into the eyes of the jeopardized suit

Ask them to show you what can still breath

Against the achievements of spreading disease

You can smell our strength, you can feel our strife

Wisdom pumping out a massive pulse of life

The world needs a shot of gumption, you see

And fight to the death of corruption, Calvary

What a dam shame, the need for the seas

Protection from these murderous thieves

The symbolic use of skeleton fish bones

Immunity from the fleas of thrones

As far as throwing stones, I’m throwing stars

So take a big ol’ puff of those Cuban cigars

Such a bad taste for the Mississippi mouth

Locked in the truth, in the trunk of regulations

is the price of Oils’ masturbations

Oil companies have barrels full of lies

Jump into their lie-jackets, all’re going to die

Like rats on merchant ships sailing the seas

Now our marine life has black death disease

Keep on drilling infants, we’re going far

Soon the seafood will taste like car tar

Pumpers pumping out a massive pulse of death

You can smell the fear;- don’t hold your breath


These are the works we are looking for. Keep up the good work John.



Suspence, THANKS for posting John Wordslinger's very powerful poetry-sermonette on POETIC JOURNALISM Forum, I am thinking that all OP Members, and other conscious persons world -wide, share grave concern over the evident, eminent and dangerous consequences of the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill. [/b[/b]]

Last edited by cousinsoren 06-06-2010 at 12:34:19 PM

06-06-2010 at 03:43:15 AM

RE: RE: Thread on the Catastrophic Oil in the Gulf of Mexico(Please add your entry)

Originally Posted by RHPeat

the planet is 3/4 ocean. Life here means ocean. Everything in the food change is somehow connected to the seas of the planet. Either by living in it or thriving from its rainfall. It's the same water used over and over again. The spill and the chemicals used to clean it will effect the food chain. That means all of us.

Sleeplessly Pondering

Are we born for noble acts, a greatness
to uplift our surroundings for worthy,
unselfish, and generous causes in life?

I don't think so; because, self identity is
something fleeting or the changeling
that’s constantly modified; it might be we
are more like shapeless amebas that reach
out to touch everything upon the path
with outstretched pseudo-fingertips: sad
wanderings in the briny liquid of life.

Give us a cesspool and we'll thrive on
whatever is there. Look what we've
done to the giving earth without
thinking at all about her generous offer
within life’s abundance. We’ve achieved
this while posing in ardent glory of self
righteous gluttony and pitiless wars.

© RH Peat 5/10/ 2010 4:25pm
Form 3 strophes/ 17 lines

You have expressed our concern very well, Friend Peat. But how are we going to get the "powers that be" to listen and mend their greedy ways? All OP Members, I am thinking, and other conscious people world-wide share concern about the evident, imminent and fatal consequences of the Gulf of Mexico Oil

06-06-2010 at 10:56:42 AM

RE: RE: Thread on the Catastrophic Oil in the Gulf of Mexico(Please add your entry)

Originally Posted by kah

I cannot even look at the pictures
Without feeling pain inside.
If I suffer this, here, on dry land
Imagine the agony
of ocean life...
Unable to defend itself
Clean itself...
These beautiful life forms
Watching their offspring die
Without knowing why.

Ominous black liquid cloud
Set loose by greed...

I am scared.

06-06-2010 at 10:56:42 AM

RE: RE: Thread on the Catastrophic Oil in the Gulf of Mexico(Please add your entry)

Originally Posted by kah

I cannot even look at the pictures
Without feeling pain inside.
If I suffer this, here, on dry land
Imagine the agony
of ocean life...
Unable to defend itself
Clean itself...
These beautiful life forms
Watching their offspring die
Without knowing why.

Ominous black liquid cloud
Set loose by greed...

I am scared.

06-06-2010 at 11:12:45 AM


06-06-2010 at 12:06:57 PM

RE: RE: RE: Thread on the Catastrophic Oil in the Gulf of Mexico(Please add your entry)

Originally Posted by cousinsoren

Originally Posted by kah

I cannot even look at the pictures
Without feeling pain inside.
If I suffer this, here, on dry land
Imagine the agony
of ocean life...
Unable to defend itself
Clean itself...
These beautiful life forms
Watching their offspring die
Without knowing why.

Ominous black liquid cloud
Set loose by greed...

I am scared.


The hurt is deep, Kah, and shared by all OP Members, I think , with the rest of conscious people worldwide.

06-06-2010 at 12:09:58 PM

RE: Thread on the Catastrophic Oil Spill the Gulf of Mexico (Submit Yours)

This is my very first attempt at Haiku...this was influenced by the catastrophic oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, which they are currently burning off the surface.

Gulf of Fire

Once Beautiful Gulf
Engulfed By Waves Of Fire
Lord, What Have We Done




Suspense, Greetings,

The hurt is felt by all OP Memnbers, I think, with the conscious people of the world, far and wide

06-06-2010 at 12:14:48 PM

RE: RE: Thread on the Catastrophic Oil in the Gulf of Mexico(Please add your entry)

[quote="SuSpence"]Here is a great write, which is relavant to this news story. This is by Wordslinger!

The Oceans Black Death


The burning sinks the suface wax

Black smoke rises thick,

Now earths’ blood falls

up in into the ocean, this is protocol




The ocean has buboes isn’t that cute

Look into the eyes of the jeopardized suit

Ask them to show you what can still breath

Against the achievements of spreading disease

You can smell our strength, you can feel our strife

Wisdom pumping out a massive pulse of life

The world needs a shot of gumption, you see

And fight to the death of corruption, Calvary

What a dam shame, the need for the seas

Protection from these murderous thieves

The symbolic use of skeleton fish bones

Immunity from the fleas of thrones

As far as throwing stones, I’m throwing stars

So take a big ol’ puff of those Cuban cigars

Such a bad taste for the Mississippi mouth

Locked in the truth, in the trunk of regulations

is the price of Oils’ masturbations

Oil companies have barrels full of lies

Jump into their lie-jackets, all’re going to die

Like rats on merchant ships sailing the seas

Now our marine life has black death disease

Keep on drilling infants, we’re going far

Soon the seafood will taste like car tar

Pumpers pumping out a massive pulse of death

You can smell the fear;- don’t hold your breath


These are the works we are looking for. Keep up the good work John.



THANKS for posting John WORDSLINGERS strikingly powerful poetry- sermonette on this POETRY JOURNALISM forum.

06-06-2010 at 12:18:14 PM

RE: Thread on the Catastrophic Oil in the Gulf of Mexico(Please add your entry)

From Your Mother

I have given birth to you,
Given everything on Earth to you,
Sheltered, loved and nurtured you,
Comforted and reassured you...

Rocked you on my ocean's drift,
Hoisted you on my winds, so swift,
And in return for all these gifts,
You have torn gaping rifts...

In my flesh and in my soul,
Made your mark in yawning holes,
Ravaged me for diamonds and gold,
And now my fury ever-grows...

From my veins you slowly drudge,
Rivers of vile oozing sludge,
Thinking I'll not hold a grudge,
After all, I am your only judge...

My vengeance flies in splintered wood,
Drowning you all in my tear's flood,
Retribution splattered in oily mud,
Shores awash with the stain of my blood...

06-06-2010 at 12:30:32 PM

RE: RE: Thread on the Catastrophic Oil in the Gulf of Mexico(Please add your entry)

From Your Mother

I have given birth to you,
Given everything on Earth to you,
Sheltered, loved and nurtured you,
Comforted and reassured you...

Rocked you on my ocean's drift,
Hoisted you on my winds, so swift,
And in return for all these gifts,
You have torn gaping rifts...

In my flesh and in my soul,
Made your mark in yawning holes,
Ravaged me for diamonds and gold,
And now my fury ever-grows...

From my veins you slowly drudge,
Rivers of vile oozing sludge,
Thinking I'll not hold a grudge,
After all, I am your only judge...

My vengeance flies in splintered wood,
Drowning you all in my tear's flood,
Retribution splattered in oily mud,
Shores awash with the stain of my blood...



Wow! If we can ignore the theme and message of these perfect rhyming couplets, for a moment, this poem is really delightful in structure. But we cannot ignore the severe poignancy and tone of recrimination and severe censure in it. But who is to bring OP and other abusers of Mother Earth to justice? There seems to be no-one

06-06-2010 at 12:40:24 PM

RE: RE: Thread on the Catastrophic Oil in the Gulf of Mexico(Please add your entry)

[quote="MJG956"]cool grinNo Gulf Balls Are Flying Here!

No Gulf Balls Are Flying Here!
No Gulf balls are flying here...
The economy is taking a tanking for sure,right here.

Oil jobs are being lost...
At what costs?

Beaches in Pensacola Florida,now have a blackened eye of oil...
The beaches are tarred like the biggest pictured spoil.

BP,is that blood pressure,always pumping?...
Or just British Petroleum,The leaks always jumping.

BP is just spending money on the presses...
Instead of ending all,their own misspelled,messes.

What can We do?...
But be all through!


My Friend. I think all OP Members ,and all conscious people world-wide share the concern about the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill, and other abuses done to Mother Earth, but i doubt that the "powers that be", OP for example, are listening to our cries and curses. There seems no-one to bring them to justice for criminal negligence.

06-06-2010 at 12:52:41 PM

RE: Catastrophic Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico (Please add your entry)


Gone the Seas of Azure

Peering from above the waves
Squats a baby gull a-calling
Flapped his pearly white wings
Sails down to the ocean’s shore.

Came a grieving cry from bird
Where have my beaches gone
Where is the glistening sand
That was here only a whisper ago.

This moment - painted in time
Of serene beauty indeed
Is now a bleak black blight
Painted over by men of greed…[/quote]


If we can ignore the burden or message oof your poem for even a brief moment, , this is a perfectly and pleasantly crafted idyll...............no less was expected from you, Alas! no -one who reads this poem, can ignore the poignancy and grave concern of your poem, It is a concern, I believe , that all OP Members, and other conscious people worldwide, share over the abuse of Mother Earth. But who or what is there to bring OP and other abusers to justice for criminal negligence or assault?

To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)