Original Poetry Forums

The Poetic Journalism Forum

05-09-2010 at 04:49:57 AM

RE: RE: The Poetic Journalism Forum - OBAMA'S QWEST

05-10-2010 at 07:49:21 PM

RE: The Poetic Journalism Forum/The Planet

Sleeplessly Pondering

Are we born for noble acts, a greatness
to uplift our surroundings for worthy,
unselfish, and generous causes in life?

I don't think so; because, self identity is
something fleeting or the changeling
that’s constantly modified; it might be we
are more like shapeless amebas that reach
out to touch everything upon the path
with outstretched pseudo-fingertips: sad
wanderings in the briny liquid of life.

Give us a cesspool and we'll thrive on
whatever is there. Look what we've
done to the giving earth without
thinking at all about her generous offer
within life’s abundance. We’ve achieved
this while posing in ardent glory of self
righteous gluttony and pitiless wars.

© RH Peat 5/10/ 2010 4:25pm
Form 3 strophes/ 17 lines

05-12-2010 at 07:07:47 AM

RE: RE: The Poetic Journalism Forum

Originally Posted by SuSpence

Thank you all so much, I am glad to see this idea is starting to catch on. Cousinsorens, I will have to check with papa about the question regarding pics. I have had some success by hitting the photo button above, and then putting the link to the pic inbetween the two [img] that will pop up. See if that works for you, and I will get back with you later.


THANKS for the instruction,Suspense, it works sometimes, and it is a cumbersome process. It would be easier to just "Browse and upload.", but surprisingly and exasperatingly, there is no provision on the site for this simple

Last edited by cousinsoren 05-12-2010 at 07:08:41 AM

05-12-2010 at 07:16:45 AM

RE: RE: The Poetic Journalism Forum

Originally Posted by SuSpence

Thank you all so much, I am glad to see this idea is starting to catch on. Cousinsorens, I will have to check with papa about the question regarding pics. I have had some success by hitting the photo button above, and then putting the link to the pic inbetween the two [img] that will pop up. See if that works for you, and I will get back with you later.


THANKS, Suspense, Your instructions , how to get a pic on to the site, forums work sometimes, We need a simpler process. like the popular "Browse and upload.."

05-13-2010 at 10:47:29 AM

RE: The Poetic Journalism Forum - April 13, 2010

the Church of Hate

I watch the cars behind the limousine
they came to join the funeral of he
was just a boy, returned from overseas.
They line the graveyard fence with Liberties

like angry buzzing, pounding, stinging bees
religious rebels picket with chantings
protesting Gays, and Aids, and "their" disease.
They say the wrath is God's own killing spree

dead soldiers, miners, even you and me
is vengeance for the Gay Activity.
My heart agape, dropped to my prayerful plea
where did compassion go, I don't believe

I ever saw such painful, sick melee
than kicking parents who are suffering
by hate outside the gates with revelry.
The Courts are working to Ban Cruelty.

April 13, 2010, the Supreme Court continues to vote, RE the Kansas Religious congregation and their anti-gay protests at a non-gay Funeral

05-14-2010 at 01:02:23 AM

RE: The Poetic Journalism Forum

Here's my best political poem--of course, opinions on it vary greatly! wink

Independence Day

What is it you want...
Is it freedom or peace?
Standing for nothing
Is a social disease.
Our heroes are few,
And when they are all dead,
The only thing left
Will be sad talking heads.

Who's pulling the strings...
Do you think that you know?
I once thought I did,
But a different wind blows.
Look closely and watch
And you may see it too...
One crack in the dam,
And a flood soon pours through.

'Free' health care and change,
And good jobs for the poor...
Where have I heard that...
Back before the Great War?
I know those lines now,
'Twas the world's darkest hour;
That same song and dance
Put a Hitler in power.

Well, lay down your guns,
And stick out your right hand;
Recieve the beast's mark,
As this New World commands.
But what good is peace
If our freedom is lost?
I can't write that check...
It's just not worth the cost.

copyright 05/13/2010 by Argus Wayne Coonts

05-14-2010 at 07:34:48 PM

New York fight for your right for state parks

New York fight for your right for state parks

Fort Ontario, Chittenango Falls closed for the season

Keep Chittenango Falls Park Open

One Million People Want NY State Parks to Remain OPEN!

41 state parks and 14 historic sites set to close


Last edited by thecross 05-14-2010 at 10:14:25 PM

05-14-2010 at 10:02:59 PM

RE: The Poetic Journalism Forum/ DEATH OF A MIDWIFE by Lorian

05-14-2010 at 10:42:24 PM

RE: The Poetic Journalism Forum

Someone ought to write a poem on Galileo he was imprisoned for life for telling the church at this time that the planets revolved around the sun instead of the sun around the earth. They almost executed him; except he recanted his words under torture. Nice people the inquisition, after all it was all done in the name of God. That made it right. The attitude still exists. I give thanks that I live in a country that has freedom of religion as part of its doctrine in the bill of rights.

A poet friend
RH Peat

Last edited by RHPeat 05-14-2010 at 10:44:18 PM

05-14-2010 at 10:52:39 PM

RE: The Poetic Journalism Forum; THE BOSTON TEA PARTY

it appears that OP Members dislike tea..................Lol!


Comimg very soon......................CousinsOren's poem entitled, "The Boston Tea Party."

Long time now Boston has been making scandalous history. What was the latest scandalous event? Does anybody know?

Last edited by cousinsoren 05-16-2010 at 04:12:38 PM

05-14-2010 at 11:54:59 PM

RE: The Poetic Journalism Forum/ THE BOSTON TEA PARTY


I was told the fishes had a ball! All their friends, including the sharks , and the whale, who is .not a fish, attended he party, The king was not invited, and was angry.

I know that you were not around to be invited to the party. In fact, you were nowhere near to be born. But that is no excuse for you to ignore the challenge to learn about its significance in the building of the American nation.


This iconic 1846 lithograph by Nathaniel Currier was entitled "The Destruction of Tea at Boston Harbor"; the phrase "Boston Tea Party" had not yet become standard. Contrary to Currier's depiction, few of the men dumping the tea were actually disguised as American Indians.[1]
The Boston Tea Party was a direct action by colonists in Boston, a town in the British colony of Massachusetts, against the British government. On December 16, 1773, after officials in Boston refused to return three shiploads of taxed tea to Britain, a group of colonists boarded the ships and destroyed the tea by throwing it into Boston Harbor. The incident remains an iconic event of American history, and other political protests often refer to it.


05-15-2010 at 05:03:56 AM

RE: The Poetic Journalism Forum/ A BEACH FOR EVERY HOUSE

05-15-2010 at 02:20:24 PM

RE: RE: The Poetic Journalism Forum/ DEATH OF A MIDWIFE by Lorian

Originally Posted by cousinsoren


Burning At The Stake

The Poem, writtien by Lorian about the midwife, being burned at the stake is incredibly well-written, and realistic with the horror of those times.

And still, I have moments, where I feel as if humankind has evolved beyond such ridiculous cruelty...

Oh... and cousinsoren...
I wrote a Boston Tea Party poem, and posted it to your History Forum folder 11 days ago...
along with my Black Plague Poem.in the same folder.

05-15-2010 at 07:02:09 PM

RE: The Poetic Journalism Forum


Galileo Is Cursed for Truth

A herald, science opened his eyesight —
as life discovered, born to him as child;
he fathered forth the sun’s small spots so bright
with wonder, true; and then, he was defiled

for saying earth revolved around the sun.
His observations left the world in change
to pose where endless planets have begun
within the stars beyond the minds small range.

He’s cursed for his insightful telescope;
that did reveal that Jupiter had moons,
then he’s imprisoned, caged and hushed in hope
for known untruths which wisdom well impugns.

Yet more than any other genius, he
uplifts our eyes in visions grand to see.

© RH Peat 5/15/2010 3:31pm
Form: Shakespearian Sonnet/ 14 lines
Rhyme Scheme: abab cdcd efef gg.
Galileo was imprisoned for his science
about the earth revolving around the sun.
a reason about the importance for
the separation between church and state


A Sip Beyond The Brim

That was a salty drink they had to sell
that made the quiet harbor quite a cup
It gripped the lazy king and made him swell
and steep with raging problems to clean-up.

So Boston had a party setup big
with Indians dressed up in costumed paint
for wrongful taxes — held a bold shindig;
It caused poor Thomas Hutchison to faint.

For eager Massachusetts bought their own
to break and dump the cargo overboard
and there the rebels bravely stood alone
to mock the pompous monarch’s smorgasbord.

And at the brimming surface who would think
these grander party favors bold would be
what comes with pride to take them to the brink
to fight for liberties that’ll set them free.

© RH Peat 5/15/2010 2:15pm
Form 4 rhyming quatrans/ 16 lines Iambic pentameter.
Rhyme Sceme: abab cdcd efef ghgh.
Boston Tea Party begins the revolutionary war.

Last edited by RHPeat 05-15-2010 at 10:20:22 PM

05-16-2010 at 08:40:04 AM

RE: RE: The Poetic Journalism Forum

Originally Posted by kpeery09

The Tale of a Girl

I once knew a girl who was full of happiness, and life.
Her scars never revealed, her life was meant to be happy and peaceful.
10 yrs she was a slave, never having a life of her own,
Her mother never cared for her, her life became a living hell.
I hear her screams of plead, her pleads of begging asking someone to help her. My heart of kindness and purity helped her out.
Now I'm to the point I cant help, my heart shatters, and she has called to the voices of death.
Now Death comes for her, its cold hands will be rushing down her body, feeling her as her heart stops.
Her life was a lie, she could not stop this fate, she tried over coming it by showing God she was strong now she cant anymore.
She sheds the last tear as her foot kicks the chair over and her body hangs there, her body shall hang there, decomposing; rotting away until someone smells the decomposition of her corpse.
Here's the end of a young girl who could've had more.


MY God, How sad! This is merely another of the millions of tragedies- the jetsam and flotsam of humnanity. "

Hope springs eternal in the human breast;/ Man never is, but always to be blest." (Alexander Pope) It puzzles me that the world has enough resources to provide succour to those in distress, yet there is a grave shortage of love , humanity and reverence for the life and liberty of the weak or vulnerable .

Last edited by cousinsoren 05-16-2010 at 08:44:28 AM

05-16-2010 at 09:02:57 AM

RE: RE: The Poetic Journalism Forum

[quote="Springsize"]The New American Tea Party

It started like a snowball rolling slow
they called us human guinea pigs, you know

they came with oil, dripping into palms
and every body had to breathe their psalms

the U.S. Army first admitted they
seduced the public of the U. S. A.

with toxic poison gaseous air-borne fumes
called Legionnaire's for Nineteen City Rooms
with Warfare germs, by A.M.A. for they,
who were attacked, and never told, no way.

We are a type of human cargo schemes
a group of few determine chess game teams
it is exactly what it seems, not dreams
their chemicals are heinous, nasty, streams

of non-dissolving plastic in our seas
collecting pools of Texas-size cities

their pesticides of murder, killing spree
now oozes into water, land and we

their oil for our cars, polluting air
their leakage burned, destroyed our coast, the heir,

ol' grand pappy, made die-nastie for all
from horse and wagon, millions from "Nujol"

the evidence, original, I keep
and forty years of silence makes me weep

Oh Shepherd RockefeelMy QueenBee Rose
I will not stop until the public knows
I beg you cease your vulgar oil flow
and End the Reign of poison Medical.

or we shall have a brand new tea party
and we won't dump your cargo in the sea.

* Long Beach Press Telegram Newspaper, dated March 8, 1977, identifies the exact dates and locations of the first "admitted" testing of toxic Poison Air Borne chemicals by the US Army, upon large, unsuspecting U.S. citizens.



O, My God! Global pollution or environmental abuse, by massive industrial and commmercial enterprise is gradually becoming a fatal danger to life. This poem eloquently and ironically speaks to a massive tea party, but unllike the Bosron Tea Party, the cargo (of human misery) will not be dumped into the sea.

Last edited by cousinsoren 05-16-2010 at 09:05:12 AM

05-16-2010 at 11:36:41 AM

RE: RE: RE: The Poetic Journalism Forum/ DEATH OF A MIDWIFE by Lorian

Originally Posted by Springsize

Originally Posted by cousinsoren


Burning At The Stake

The Poem, writtien by Lorian about the midwife, being burned at the stake is incredibly well-written, and realistic with the horror of those times.

And still, I have moments, where I feel as if humankind has evolved beyond such ridiculous cruelty...


I do not wander over to these forums as much as perhaps I should. Indeed, I did not know about this string and happened here by chance. This was not my intention when I posted Death of a Midwife which, incidentally, has been all but ignored on my page except for the wonderful notice taken by Oren. This having been said, and in reply to the request for current events to be backed up with links by which they are substantiated, and in response to the notion that we, as a race, have evolved past such cruelty, I offer a name: Reverend Thomas Muthee. Would that his was the only person worth mentioning. The atrocity continues. Would that it did not. Please take a moment to view the following:


“Murder and persecution of women and children accused of being witches is spreading around the world and destroying the lives of millions of people, experts said Wednesday … “This is becoming an international problem — it is a form of persecution and violence that is spreading around the globe,” Jeff Crisp of the U.N.’s refugee agency UNHCR told a seminar organized by human rights officials of the world body.”

I remind you that Sara Palin received "protection from witches" by Reverend Thomas Muthee and offer the following link:


and this:


I submit that, when the freedoms of a single individual are usurped, the freedoms of the entire human race are diminished. The Human Race will never know peace until it knows tolerance...and tolerance begins here. With me. With you. Right now.

And to that end, now as always, I wish you


05-16-2010 at 02:17:16 PM

RE: RE: The Poetic Journalism Forum/The Planet

Originally Posted by RHPeat

Sleeplessly Pondering

Are we born for noble acts, a greatness
to uplift our surroundings for worthy,
unselfish, and generous causes in life?

I don't think so; because, self identity is
something fleeting or the changeling
that’s constantly modified; it might be we
are more like shapeless amebas that reach
out to touch everything upon the path
with outstretched pseudo-fingertips: sad
wanderings in the briny liquid of life.

Give us a cesspool and we'll thrive on
whatever is there. Look what we've
done to the giving earth without
thinking at all about her generous offer
within life’s abundance. We’ve achieved
this while posing in ardent glory of self
righteous gluttony and pitiless wars.

© RH Peat 5/10/ 2010 4:25pm
Form 3 strophes/ 17 lines

R.H. Peat asks a question in the first stanza of this poem, which is by no means rhetorical. It's a pertinent question that is being asked by millions of conscious and anxious people all over the world.[/b]

Last edited by cousinsoren 05-16-2010 at 04:06:37 PM

05-16-2010 at 03:03:13 PM

RE: RE: The Poetic Journalism Forum

Last edited by cousinsoren 05-16-2010 at 03:04:52 PM

05-16-2010 at 03:17:38 PM

RE: RE: The Poetic Journalism Forum

Originally Posted by RHPeat

Someone ought to write a poem on Galileo he was imprisoned for life for telling the church at this time that the planets revolved around the sun instead of the sun around the earth. They almost executed him; except he recanted his words under torture. Nice people the inquisition, after all it was all done in the name of God. That made it right. The attitude still exists. I give thanks that I live in a country that has freedom of religion as part of its doctrine in the bill of rights.

A poet friend
RH Peat

Please see a reader's comment on your incisive poems. THANKS.

Last edited by cousinsoren 05-16-2010 at 03:18:26 PM

05-16-2010 at 03:29:54 PM

RE: The Poetic Journalism Forum

05-16-2010 at 04:19:23 PM

RE: RE: The Poetic Journalism Forum

Originally Posted by FitzHouston09

After teaching for 18 years, it is astounding to me that teenagers today, more than ever, continue to let their sexual hormones rule in the midst of knowing about myriad of STD's that exist today that are not only incurable but will also take you outta here as well - not to mention teen pregnancy is out of control as well leaving babies raising babies.

Sleeping Around Can Bring You Down

They lie in wait – waiting for our youth
With only one goal in mind.
To infect as many boys and girls
With diseases that are not kind.

“Why wait to have sex? I’m in control
I think I know what’s right!”
“Well, if that’s true, why did I see
You at the clinic very late last night?”

Some STD’s can take you out
Teen pregnancy is out of hand,
But if you insist on sleeping around
Do you know just where you stand?

Trusting your friend who professes his love
Is your girl really on the pill?
If either of you is telling a lie
Under age you’ll both feel ill.

Bottom line, until you find yourself wed
Only one way’s tried and true,
Abstinence is the only way
To do what’s best for you.


THIS WORLD HAS ALWAYS BEEN MAD. BUT THE GENERAL POINT OF VIEW, TODAY, IS IT CANNOT GET ANY MADDER THAN IT IS NOW. Condoms rather than abstinence seem to be in greater demand than bread, these days.

Last edited by cousinsoren 05-17-2010 at 05:48:53 AM

05-16-2010 at 06:23:38 PM

RE: The Poetic Journalism Forum

05-16-2010 at 06:29:31 PM

RE: The Poetic Journalism Forum

05-17-2010 at 05:36:15 AM

RE: RE: RE: RE: The Poetic Journalism Forum/ DEATH OF A MIDWIFE by Lorian


Burning At The Stake


The Poem, writtien by Lorian about the midwife, being burned at the stake is incredibly well-written, and realistic with the horror of those times.

And still, I have moments, where I feel as if humankind has evolved beyond such ridiculous cruelty...



I do not wander over to these forums as much as perhaps I should. Indeed, I did not know about this string and happened here by chance. This was not my intention when I posted Death of a Midwife which, incidentally, has been all but ignored on my page except for the wonderful notice taken by Oren. This having been said, and in reply to the request for current events to be backed up with links by which they are substantiated, and in response to the notion that we, as a race, have evolved past such cruelty, I offer a name: Reverend Thomas Muthee. Would that his was the only person worth mentioning. The atrocity continues. Would that it did not. Please take a moment to view the following:


“Murder and persecution of women and children accused of being witches is spreading around the world and destroying the lives of millions of people, experts said Wednesday … “This is becoming an international problem — it is a form of persecution and violence that is spreading around the globe,” Jeff Crisp of the U.N.’s refugee agency UNHCR told a seminar organized by human rights officials of the world body.”

I remind you that Sara Palin received "protection from witches" by Reverend Thomas Muthee and offer the following link:


and this:


I submit that, when the freedoms of a single individual are usurped, the freedoms of the entire human race are diminished. The Human Race will never know peace until it knows tolerance...and tolerance begins here. With me. With you. Right now.

And to that end, now as always, I wish you




This article by JLorian is worth careful reading, The message is clear. Please read also her poem, "THE DEATH OF A MIDWIFE" The complaints of poets that their postings are read by only a few are becoming too frequent. As OP Members, we ought to bear one another's poetic burdens, otherwise , what's the sense of posting?

Last edited by cousinsoren 05-17-2010 at 05:57:57 AM

Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.