Original Poetry Forums

Demonic Transfer

05-16-2010 at 04:45:18 AM

RE: RE: Demonic Transfer

Originally Posted by Bettysrainbow48

She lie in her bed thinking about the lost president .Demonds inter her mind torementing her soul. Beneath the big oak tree inbeded in the ground were steps.The steps lead to a cript where the demond showed her the way. The steps chilled her to the bone. She wondered why was this happening.The door opened. The smell and stinch of dead bodies filled the air. It was all she could do to look. There were decaying bodies everywhere.Some of which had just died.In rolls layered across the ground. They mouned in horror as they lie there waiting for hell. Never able to leave their bodies, captured souls in their waisted skeltons. She began to walk farther down each roll when suddenly she saw the president. He was lying there in torment wondering what was next? Trapped in his dead body helplessly waiting, for what? Controled by demonds lost in hell. Is this it.
She woke to find this was only a dream, but was it?: She had a dream about what it would be like if you didn't go to Heaven but hell. People lie there waiting mouning in search for answers. Rolls of casgets.People waiting. Something to think about she said.sickblank starelong facebig surpriserolleyesoh ohgulpcool grin
This is a first for me.

05-29-2010 at 02:11:21 PM

Demonic Transfer

06-28-2010 at 08:36:48 PM

RE: Demonic Transfer

Have been working at add ons to this story, and as I read through the editions - I see there will need to be some finale editing of each one - to make all run smoothly together. Won't be doing that final editing tell the story is complete. For the time being will continue posting new editions.

I know it is turning into a very long story, and for those who have taken the time to read any one of the editions - it is greatly appreciated.


06-28-2010 at 08:38:25 PM

RE: Demonic Transfer 4th edition

In Brussels, Belgium, the Hilton Inn was abuzz with news of the largest political meeting ever, being dropped at its doorstep. Intelligence agents from every nation had already arrived, almost a week ahead of the set meeting date. Leaders from many nations were expected to attend. Word had leaked out that the Pope would be in attendance, as well as other prominent spiritual leaders. The main agenda of the world conference has not yet been confirmed. With much financial turmoil, and too many nations in arms negotiations, peace talks seemed to be a thing of the past. During a U.S. address to the nation, it was said, "Determinations made at this conference will change the world as we know it." While most all nations are expected, it is known that a few wouldn't be represented. Rarely more than one or two dictators attend world conferences, it has not yet been verified if there will be any in attendance for this one.

The U.S. President has been in contact with commanding officers of other powerful nations. Recent news that the President from Poland and his political staff had unfortunately died in an airplane mishap further mandated that this one time world event meeting be held under the strictest security. News stations would receive news a day after the meeting, there would be no live feeds in order to protect the secrecy of this "on the cusp" world changing event. Top news sources can only speculate on the political agenda, as they have no hard facts.

With the spirit festering, his presence materializing, more deaths will occur. Perfectly timed with the political spectrum bringing about a new world order. Influential personalities dropping like flies. Their deaths always labeled natural causes, or occasionally a freak accident. While unusual, the deaths are rarely investigated. Overcome by his presence, the DJ introduces the next tune, his voice alternating between his own and one more sinister. A voice of malevolence. It appeared as though it was focused at one individual, talking directly to them. Everyday people rushing through their lives, singled out and spoken to, through media outlets.

The cult in the Southwest was not alone in feeding the spirit. Members of the occult stretched across not only the nation, but the world. In the New England states, the goal was the same, only the scenery changed. Instead of remains tied to cacti, one would stumble upon a body hanging from a tree. Often in a wooded area, that is not immediately seen. Depending on the country, and the culture often determines how they feed him. Those involved in the occult are proud of their power, with some of the most distinguished figures among them. Once they've been entered by the dark one though, they may as well be dead themselves. As he feeds on each one he enters, they are worthless to this dark spirit once they've served their full purpose to him.

Pursuing the anchor at NBC, Kendra begins emailing the show. Expecting the email to go nowhere. She was in shock to see a reply, while skimming her spam --

Last edited by Charlie23 09-15-2010 at 11:01:44 AM

09-05-2010 at 09:12:34 PM

RE: Demonic Transfer

We are back at it again, hope to finish within just a few more editions. Love the idea of this story being donated to "Bleed for the cause".

09-05-2010 at 09:15:44 PM

RE: Demonic Transfer 5th Edition

A data collection agency, Dossier Inc., compiles information necessary to help lead to a new world order. The archives are developed through both private and public databases to monitor individuals and also influence voting. Subjects they choose for surveillance, are followed by their identification number ― everybody has one. To control political parties and laws, they twist information or include inaccurate information to help sway voting. While determining the party one was likely to vote for based on their personal information, and in attempts to influence elections, they list individuals as felons, incompetents, or even duplicates, that their votes may not be counted.

For intelligence reasons, they employ attorney generals and other government officials to operate the agency. One of the first financial fiascos to take place was driven by this agency. Identity theft has never been easier, as one can buy and sell personal information while posing as a legitimate business. In order to move towards the idea of "One World", they purchase aggregated data from other countries to merge all data under one enterprise. While the agency is designed in a way that only furthers corruption, they play a huge part in bringing together the new world order.

After midnight in the wee hours of the morning, the clandestine meeting begins. All the world's presidents and cabinet members stand ready, front row seats to the unfolding of a new world government. The U.S. President calls order, as attendees pay close attention to what is being said. The meeting is as efficient as one could expect. The Pope nods his head in agreement, as do many of the other dignitaries. The Holy Father will help others come to grasp with the idea of a New World Order. The bullet proof carriage pulled up alongside the curb across the street.

Coinciding with the Pope's departure, a series of bomb explosions rips through the Hilton Inn. Mass confusion runs rampant, people scattering in all directions to break away from the smoldering remains of what minutes before was the prestigious Hilton Inn. The cutting edge terrorist warning system which had been installed was working full tilt.

The Pope immediately got out and amidst the dark, hazy plumes of smoke, and screams skyward. His fists shaking high above his head, fire cascading down from above begins burning surrounding businesses and automobiles. The president's and dignitaries looked on with their stern faces hypnotized to all the surreal happenings going on around them.

Last edited by Charlie23 09-14-2010 at 11:57:50 AM

09-08-2010 at 12:53:57 AM

RE: Demonic Transfer

Hoping to have this finished and sent off to the Poets of Blood email very quickly. Please forgive me for not having it completed, as we had taken a short break and time slipped away from us.

As I wrote to Alexia, I have not made the edits to the story in the forum, but tried to work out some of the kinks in the tenses, and grammer before sending off the final copy ---- hopefully sooner than later, and know they will likely have some more editing to do... hopefully I saved them a little.

Please forgive me though as I work 10 hour days at my day job, I'm working as quickly as possible with SBear to get this completed quickly, so that we can be a part of this great contribution to the less fortunate... I'll wrap it up quickly... still posting the editions here in the forum, incase there are any who have been following the story. It's actually not bad, scared me even a couple times, and I'm one of the writers, and editor.

09-08-2010 at 12:56:37 AM

RE: Demonic Transfer 6th Edition

Kendra ― half way around the world, when the news breaking event took place. Interrupting "The Big Bang Theory" with an important news announcement. An Asian anchor announces the news of a series of explosions at a hotel in Brussels, where it is said many key political figures have gathered. No footage available at this time ― please stay tuned for the most up to date information. Sitting aside her burger and diet coke, she flipped to the 24 hour news networks in hopes of obtaining better information.

CNN, FOX, MSNBC - What a joke, none of them have coverage to offer. Why announce big news without any actual footage? You could get a clip of the bombing on youtube or facebook, quicker than you could from the media. She grabs her iPhone to check the online networks for amateur video of the explosion in Belgium. Probably more realistic than anything with the news spin on it anyways. With all the reporters becoming aces at spin control, one starts to believe there's a specific class taught on how to manipulate the news. Remembering the email she received, she logged into her account to see if she had received any further replies from Chris.

He never gave Kendra any indication that they were on the same page, yet she still liked to consider they could be. He had only replied the one time to date:

Dear Kendra,

I would like to personally thank you for your interest in our nightly news program. I always enjoy hearing from fans of the show.

I remember the interview you mention. I recall areas of conflict within the interview, however I can't say that I fully understand what you're driving at in your recent email.

Your emails are always welcome. Thank you for taking the time to write in.


In the dark of night, a separate crowd had gathered to form a circle. As the "War Pigs" were already determining a plan that would eventually lead into World War III. Complete evil had taken over in the hours following the Hilton Inn's bombing. Back in the desert of the Southwest, the senator gathers with his three head commanders. The dark presence overtook him, as well as his men, suggesting another ceremony must take place.

Last edited by Charlie23 09-14-2010 at 11:59:52 AM

09-14-2010 at 12:03:09 PM

RE: Demonic Transfer 7th Edition

Arrangements are being made for a meeting. Scouting out a secluded area wasn't too hard when there was nothing but dirt, cacti, and tumbleweeds to be seen for miles. At least fifty miles from the nearest town, the three men took in the location for the evenings event.

The Senator climbed to a higher plane on the dune where he and the three commanders were standing. Dusk settling in, he noticed a movement not far away, not sure what was there, he moved away from the noise rustling in the sand. One of the three commanders reached into his side belt, retrieved his Maglite, shining it in the vicinity of the stealthy noise. There on the bottom of the desert floor was a gaping hole, where thousands of large rattlesnakes were making their way back underground with the prey they'd captured to feed their little ones. A lizard was being dragged down into the hole whilst buzzards were dive bombing the rattlers for their last meal of the long night ahead. Fighting as it did, the lizard had no chance of survival as there were too many rattlesnakes preventing it's escape. The other two commanders started firing their AK-47's, spraying the rattlers with a wide pattern of bullets.

Not caring how many snakes they killed, the reptiles were a nuisance more than anything else. The men had only a few hours before they would be joined by others, a celebration was in order hailing the recent disaster that took place in Belgium.

The magick of the media, was it their own doing, or a curse placed upon them by those who practice the craft? It doesn't only stem from those who are personally involved in the occult. Like a wildfire, it transfers from one station to another. Kendra considers the media personality that she once met. Not long ago, she encountered a local anchor in a downtown restaurant.

She introduced herself, and as she began talking ― they went completely blank. She almost felt as though she was looking into the eyes of a dead man. Not that their life was endangered, but more like there was nothing there. It seemed that something else had settled in and taken them over. Their eyes were dark, and their voice completely monotone ― it was as if she was only speaking to a shell. A cold thoughtless shell, because their responses were harsh. "I don't know what you thought you heard." "Maybe you should speak to a professional about." "I'm sorry, you thought I was talking directly to you, are you aware that my show is broadcast to millions of people?" "I used your name, you're right, there is probably not another person alive, named Kendra." "Are you retarded?" Not a day she would soon forget.

Then there was Chris. Kendra wanted to believe that he caught it, that he understood, but when she reads his response, she feels ridicules for ever thinking someone of his status would write back acknowledging that they saw it too.

09-14-2010 at 12:09:30 PM

RE: Demonic Transfer 8th Edition

With the blast, the conference in Belgium came to an abrupt halt. Only those dignitaries seriously injured or killed, remain in Belgium. World leaders depart quickly via their private jets to get home to their own countries. At this time, there is no news as to who died in the blast, or about how many were injured.

The secret service wastes no time in getting the president aboard Air Force One, and home to a safer place. Entering the white house nine hours after the explosion in Brussels. Not all politicians in attendance were so lucky.

The terrorist plot would not bring an end to the discussions but only further them in their unity and fight against terrorism. Too many people in too many nations were upset about the idea of "One World", which would only lead more to looking for their own way to bring an end to the option. Until things cool down, future discussion of the agenda will continue through video conference.

In the desert, the lawyer shining his Maglite, falls to his knees screaming. Standing within the perimeter of the rattlers nest, thousands of the poisonous snakes could be seen slithering along the desert floor. The Senator shined his own light along a wide area, immediately giving the order to halt shooting. The doctor and priest act quickly, each one grabbing hold of the lawyer, pulling him to safety. The arid desert night was taking their energy. Not helping matters, the fallen commander was a very large man weighing in excess of three hundred pounds.

Once to safety, the lawyer released the few rattlers grasped in his hands. The snakes had been biting, injecting their poisonous venom into him. His face clouded red, he tried to speak ― gibberish came out. The Senator pulls his 9mm and shoots at the snakes until they only twitch. The other two commanders stripped the lawyer of all his clothes and began cutting his bitten areas. Both then sucking the venom from the lawyer, spitting it out and repeating. He was in convulsions, his fat body jerking all over. Several shots rang out directly over the two commanders heads as they worked to save their partner. Profusely sweating, their faces blood spattered, they pulled away and stood over the dead fat man.

The Senator had shot him like a dog, three times in the head to put him out of his misery. The three silently walk away, pausing a moment to look back and see their friends light still shining in the distance.

The dead fat man would be breakfast for the morning's buzzards. He likely would not be the only one for the scavengers to feast on, as the group tends to leave a string of sacrificed beings behind with each celebration.

09-14-2010 at 12:32:24 PM

RE: Demonic Transfer 9th Edition

There wasn't a news crew on the scene, when the bomb ripped through the Hilton Inn. It was your everyday Joe who caught the footage. Providing leeway for the anchors to then give their spiel on what they see in the amateur video. Regulations on the media are so strict in regards to keeping political information out of the public's view, the media must turn their focus to other interests.

Kendra has felt crazy, from the first time she picked up on it. She was convinced that she was the only one who could hear them talking. She knew when they were talking to her, or when they were singling out another. Do they know that they're talking to them. She's always wondered if they understood that she understood, or if they were oblivious to the fact that they were doing it.

It's not easy to overcome magick. When she tried to talk about it, it was always the same response, dead and monotone, no matter who she talked to. She began seeing a psychiatrist, only to have him do the same thing that they did. Dr. Anderson suggested that it was not their problem, but her problem. She brought it on herself, by attempting to talk about it ― even with him.

"Where's your proof, Kendra? Have you considered recording it?"

"I don't have to record it, it's the media, they record it all for me ― every day."

"You can trust me, Kendra ― you understand that don't you? Do you trust me?"


"How about you record what they do to you, then when I play it ― I'll decide if that's what they are really doing?"

For a doctor, you have as much sense as a rock. Giving me an option equivalent to telling a rape victim to record a rape, then once it has been replayed, you'll judge as to how much of a rape it really was. Then what ― say I was willing, that it was my fault. No thanks.

"I would never record it, that's what they want ― they want for me to admit I understand it ― to point out to others that it's me. It's humiliating. The proof is in the tapings they record, I'll let a lawyer pull a taping of their show. Don't you think it's odd when they're rambling on in the spiel, and suddenly out of left field comes, 'Kendra ― nobody understands what you were thanking him for, did you not know that he was involved? '."

Dr Anderson shoots back, "You need to stop with the lies, Kendra. That doesn't even make any sense, do you have any idea how ridiculous you sound? If they were that obvious about it don't you think that someone would have picked up on it?"

"You'd think"

09-14-2010 at 12:34:06 PM

RE: Demonic Transfer 10th Edition

Via video conference, Britain's Prime Minister addresses his audience, "In this time of Nuclear options, we must all join together in a pledge to never use that option against one another." Subconsciously, each is aware that the only way to overcome the mess of the economic disaster is to wipe out large portions of the population. With so many desiring to be the one with the power, they must all hold on to their nukes. At the same time each one hopes that another will not go so far as to use it. In that instance, there will be nothing left.

Desperate times call for destructive measures. The world can't continue at the rate of growth it is currently at. Less population means less mouths to feed, less people out of work, less debt will be accumulated, more money to go around because it's being distributed among less people. The alternative much like the days of Stalin, Hitler, and Roosevelt, is to go to war and let those who survive move forward, and those who fail, fall.

Once one shoots off their missiles, it's a free for all. The use them or lose them mentality. There is not a country with nuclear power who would not contribute to the war, if a missile was headed in their direction or the direction of their allies. Similar to the media, things can spiral out of control very quickly. A false alarm may hold as many repercussions as the actual act of firing one off. The domino effect will bring on WWIII. What triggers the fall of that first domino ― for that we look to the media.

It is the medias job to influence the public whether it be the type of products they purchase or what their interests are. They brought so much spin to the actual story, making opinions news, as well paying contribution to the economic downturn worldwide.

To ease the public's fears on Wall Street, they helped create the housing bubble, in which they then contributed to popping. When elections were in process they portrayed their opinions on political parties as fact, to discourage undecided voters or sway them in the stations direction. Fox twists the story just enough to bring a hate parade to downtown D.C., why shouldn't CNN get in on the action. Fox does have the most viewers, and what about MSNBC? If ones spin is just a little more drastic than the next, who's it hurting ― not them, they're ratings are through the roof.

09-14-2010 at 12:35:56 PM

RE: Demonic Transfer 11th Edition

The biggest issue tends to rise from all the conspiracy theorist, striking fear in others. So many terrorist groups worldwide, determined to stop the idea from becoming a reality. Paranoia spreads through the vast series of events. Too much speculation can lead to disastrous consequences.

Kendra provides Dr. Anderson with dates and times the tapings aired, "That's my proof, just watch for yourself". Nothing but blank tape. There's a glitch in the tape. "Anybody can see that it's been spliced, you can see exactly where it was edited ― right in the spot that I told you about." Her proof was taken from her.

"I am going to recommend a psychiatric evaluation, based upon my findings we may need to hospitalize you for a while, just a little while ― so that you can get well." Dr, Andersons tone could not be more condescending, "There are so many people who love you, Kendra, don't you think they want to see you get well?"

The US President communicates via video phone to the large conference of dignitaries, "Why 'One World', you may ask yourself? It is the option that will bring the greatest relief to the economy. Nations, we are in tough economic times, if one fails we are all going to fail. We must join together. We need each other's support more than we ever have in recent times. If we come together and overcome the economy, think about what that will do for our pursuit of World Peace."

China standing as a major world player, continues to determine their relationship with the US, as well as some European allies. The US interfering with their policies, then proceeding with Arm deals with their enemies. An award presented to the Dali Lama at a recent White House engagement only further separates the two nations.

China dismisses the debt of the US bonds they've purchased, and their economy will fail. They only lose stake in the United States if the Unites States continues to exist. The emperor considers his options, before his final decision comes into play. "This one is not a test, the missile has been launched, America will pay the price."

09-14-2010 at 12:42:34 PM

RE: The End

Thank you Standing Bear for your contribution, and the horror you helped bring to the story. It was a pleasure writing with you.

The Eleven Editions posted here in the forum is the final draft that was submitted to Poets of Blood -- I would like to thank Poets of Blood for allowing us to contribute this story to help feed the hungry...

I do understand they have rights to final editing.... Hope those who read here in the forum enjoy... Please buy the book as all proceeds go to a great cause...

I'm so happy to be included with such talented poets as those included in Poets of Blood, "Bleed for the Cause."

Thank You.

09-14-2010 at 12:49:16 PM


Thank you Charlie23 for the opportunity to write with you pertaining to The Poets Of Blood .. Bleed For The Cause effort to feed the hungry. Thank you all involved, great sales!


09-14-2010 at 01:06:35 PM


I hope that this book sells millions and tons of monies are raised. All of the writes I have seen have been exceptional..This one by Charlie23 an StandingBear is in a word..Wow! Best of Luck!big surprise

10-10-2010 at 01:45:24 AM


Originally Posted by SavVySam

I hope that this book sells millions and tons of monies are raised. All of the writes I have seen have been exceptional..This one by Charlie23 an StandingBear is in a word..Wow! Best of Luck!big surprise


i totally agree with you SavVy Sam, Charlie and Standing Bear have created the "making" of a bet seller.

Last edited by cousinsoren 10-10-2010 at 01:45:57 AM

Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.