Original Poetry Forums

Why use poetry to settle your petty fights!!

04-10-2009 at 05:04:45 PM

Why use poetry to settle your petty fights!!

I love to look around this site and I find wonderful talent galore. Then I happen to wonder into some petty fight between poets on this page and what do they do? They use this venue to slander each other!! How very low class is that!! Now before i go further I will say that I have had trouble with one man who sends me obscene messages. I asked him not to message me anymore and I did comment on his one poem on this site. This being the reason I did, It seems his poem was about getting into heaven and being waited on my beautiful women. After the things this man said to me I am thinking he needs to make reservations somewhere other than the paradise he speaks of. That's all I had to say and I felt as though I lowered by standards to say even that. I also flagged his name because of the gross messages I was receiving. Yet some folks have an on going feud that reminds me of grade school. I guess they think if they have it out in the open that it will add to the drama. Well, I say if you want drama go to www.drama.com, but if you want poetry stay and enjoy but keep the fights in private! Thanks, Sara grin

04-10-2009 at 05:17:00 PM
  • FoF
  • FoF
  • Posts: 72

Re: Why use poetry to settle your petty fights!!

Those of us who feel as you do have made our feelings known. No one joining this site should be subject to what we have witnessed in the past few weeks between a few members. We have implored all to settle amongst themselves via PM. The PTB have agreed and I believe are policing the forums. This does not mean sensorship, it means there is a place for personal disputes - and that place is not here. Do your best to ignore.

If you are having a serious issue - I suggest writing the PTB (maybe re-register under new name ?)

05-05-2009 at 03:11:43 PM

Re: Why use poetry to settle your petty fights!!

The aggression, hate, anger, filthy words and stupidity that has been expressed between a handful of poets(?) (or are they just attack writers?) on this site has brought it down to another "level of low-life-thinking-expression". How is it that adults can carry on like a group of elementary school students in that name calling and slander is their means of poetry. Since this is a private site, and if it were my site, these people should be banned from O.P. activity. I have been writing/reading poetry for over forty years and have never heard, witnessed, or read, such ugly, child-like, attacks on each other as I have here. The few people involved (and you know who you are) should be ashamed, embarrassed, and apologetic to the rest of the poets on this site for plastering your immature-warrior-cries across "The Forum" for all to stumble upon. I feel sorry for all of you, and please, go away, or change your fear and hatefulness to courage and joyfulness.

Last edited by dahlusion 05-05-2009 at 03:13:17 PM

05-05-2009 at 03:51:55 PM
  • FoF
  • FoF
  • Posts: 72

Re: Why use poetry to settle your petty fights!!

I would like to believe that the talented adults who share this site can find the strength to withstand these ugly and less than childish tantrums. I refuse to let a few push me from a site I find to be mostly supportive and engaging intellectually.

Please, all those considering alternatives - please, reconsider and do not let a few thoughtless and inconsiderate people determine your path. If anyone has read any of my previous posts, they may have come across the fact that I work with horses. And believe me, even though the path you ride may take you through some shitpiles along the way, the ride is - for the most part - beautiful.

05-05-2009 at 04:33:12 PM

Re: Why use poetry to settle your petty fights!!

I have not had these quarrels with any But I did stick my nose in where it didn't belong...

I was a little concerned about the crap going on and set to this page as a child...I am sorry for the small comment I left on shannons post...I am human and fed into this...and for this comment I feel bad...Sorry Shannon...
But I am not sorry for being human...This life as hard as it gets sometimes is a wonderful event!

I took up a battle myself for the woman of this sight...Not for one but for all woman...
I sent emails to all the girls on this site which were on his one poem wonders page in which ~Sara talks about..

For this battle I am not sorry and will never accept disrespect of this sights woman Poets or any around me anywhere...
He spoke of God and heavens beauty to gain entrance and stalked these girls..Filth...

I went after him in a blaze...For this I will never apologize...I also took this to the site managers...If I see this again I will step to the armor and mine White horse and ride again...I am true...

Sincerely and all apologies from mine soul,

stephen Michael Olock...(stephenmichael)

Last edited by stephenmichael 05-05-2009 at 05:11:22 PM

05-05-2009 at 05:06:21 PM

Re: Why use poetry to settle your petty fights!!

read my bio and forum postings.

watched it in the chat rooms, see it in the poems and comments.. there is free speech and then there is the law. ignore if in chat
report and flag
or read someone else s poems, your choice
but do read and follow terms of service
reporting violations is not being a cop, it is keeping things civil in a group of talented emotional and creative writers.. ego is part of this process, and most anyone who puts pen to paper takes any comment personally as a judgment on their life, though this isn't the case people will be people sane or not, mature or not
etc... add to it medication, recreational drug and alcohol use, and other common human conditions and you have an impossible situation to monitor, taking comments seriously from most of the ruder folks is mostly what they want, give them less, report abuses etc, and avoid them (it doesnt matter to the abusers who you are if you walked on water they would do the same, it is their problem.. hopefully they will sit down and read miss manners three times before being allowed back on this site.

05-05-2009 at 05:56:37 PM

Re: Why use poetry to settle your petty fights!!

There is indeed alot of good going on thru this site. Many good people here, most who respect others feelings and show common courtesy. I respect the opinions expressed by the so many others on so many items posted. It gives strength to me and many others, so keep posting ... do not allow yourself to be brought down or sucked into pettyness unworthy of your knowledge and talents. Be well my friends, ken cool smile

05-05-2009 at 09:16:30 PM

Re: Why use poetry to settle your petty fights!!


05-06-2009 at 12:53:01 AM
  • Jaddenblade
  • Jaddenblade
  • Posts: 20

Re: Why use poetry to settle your petty fights!!

Again, I find myself almost speechless. A few of us have left and it has been determined that we left because we let a few others "direct" our paths for us. I believe I can speak for those of us who left voluntarily that these people and their petty fights had nothing directly to do with us leaving.

Frankly, I question the people running this forum and ultimately this site. People will be people. There will be battles, there will be words, there will be vulgarity, the will be obscenity, there will be hatred, and there will be every other sort of filth because there will always be people. We are subjective, emotional beings and as such are capable of absolutely everything on both the visible and invisible spectrum of behaviors.

Having said that, and having a firm understanding of what WILL develope, I have no problem with people being people. What I do have a problem with is the leadership of this site. Things have been handled poorly. Messages have been left on forums far too long. People have been allowed to remain here well past the time they should have been removed. So my fundamental differences exits with those managing this site. It exists with the leadership, and while their efforts have been appreciated by none more than me, I believe I have a differing idea of what is, and what is not acceptable. In that light, and in that light alone. I cannot be a part of what I do not believe in, and ultimately do not support.

Let me be very clear here, because I have seen what can happen when I'm not. I, in no way, do not appreciate the opportunity to have posted my poetry here. What they have done is hugely commendable as it is an undertaking I could not accomplish, and do not want. Likewise I do not believe the leadership of this site must acquiesce to my beliefs. Nor do I feel I have the right to demand them to do so. This is their site and as such, their rules and their conduct of behavior. I just simply do not agree.

Believe me, this stand I am taking, and the few of us who have left is a stand we took with a greater price than simply staying and exercising my human ability to IGNORE what people write and post. I have met some tremendous people here. I have read some unfathomably marvelous poetry here. I have invested time and effort to call this site my poetic home. And now I choose to leave. No my friends, it was not influenced by the petty fighting. It was influenced by what we all share as poets - a fundamental freedom to exercise our own expression. And mine no longer supports this site. Once again, I thank the creators and leaders of this site for its creation. I have grown and benefitted from this site more than I think you know. And I will always be indebted to you for giving me the comfort of a place to rest my pen.


05-06-2009 at 03:50:00 AM

Re: Why use poetry to settle your petty fights!!

I choose to leave this site not because of petty bashing and lashing back biting events that transpired here. I can choose to ignore these persons.

Unfortunately, I see fault and direction by way this site is directed. First, administrators here did not fore see the disadvantage they put themselves through by a faulty rating system in conjunction with end result of possible biased decision made by themselves from consequently choosing the weekly - 'winner'. I know this is faulty and biased because winners announced had lower ratings than many others; this is noticed when the so called champion was initially announced even before further rating. Second, the site is poorly designed in which comments are not first previewed by the writer that he or she may choose not to have certain comments published. And finally, administrators of this site do not know what constitutes truthful definition of the word, 'poetry'. Should their definition of poetry had been clearly defined to all participants, the misuse of language in poetry need not be undulated.

I have posted a forum of discussion....My work here is Done ...should you be interested read my solution there.

Thank you my fellow poets for your comments and hope my writing brought to you much insight to your own sense of being and thanks to the administrators and moderators of this site for the privilege to expose my poems.

mahalo no malama pono
it is a pleasure sharing breath with you
Find, keep and preserve balance and harmony

05-06-2009 at 06:47:55 AM

Re: Why use poetry to settle your petty fights!!

A pioneer crossed the vast plains to make a home. The home began slowly rising skyward to be admired by those who care, so to will this site.

Words left by one before us please let me share.

"The world is moved along, not only by the mighty shoves of its heroes, but also by the aggregate of tiny pushes of each honest worker."    -Helen Keller

05-06-2009 at 12:29:41 PM

Re: Why use poetry to settle your petty fights!!

I am with gratitude your sharing words of Helen Keller. As a nurse by profession I have many times referred to her book that I may understand the hue-man process of death and dying. And now, afflicted with cancer myself, I joyously remember much of her writing as it comforts me to know as I consciously live the process.

It is an interesting analogy that you share regarding building a home. If I may, please let me share a story I have learned as a child and later read in The Holy Bible. The story goes as such: The foolish man built his house upon the sand and the rain came tumbling down. The rain came down and the floods came up and washed away the house, no longer did it stand. The wise man built his house upon a rock and the house on the rock (Jesus) stood still.

I share this with the intent to remind myself that to build a community, first, one should hold himself up, second, lift up his family with undeserving, unconditional love, and third go out and build a community that he finds himself comfortable to live in.

mahalo no malama pono

Last edited by kaleo55 05-06-2009 at 12:30:49 PM

05-06-2009 at 06:18:41 PM

Re: Why use poetry to settle your petty fights!!

I'm glad to see everyone is not into the drama.I almost fed into it.I soon realized it did not concern me.I am friends with everyone and will continue to try to keep peace.I'm glad to find I'm not alone.Thanks guys. grin

05-23-2009 at 01:46:31 PM

hey its sugarcane1241

Originally Posted by FoF

Those of us who feel as you do have made our feelings known. No one joining this site should be subject to what we have witnessed in the past few weeks between a few members. We have implored all to settle amongst themselves via PM. The PTB have agreed and I believe are policing the forums. This does not mean sensorship, it means there is a place for personal disputes - and that place is not here. Do your best to ignore.

If you are having a serious issue - I suggest writing the PTB (maybe re-register under new name ?)
you all have an excellant point about fighting.i don't really like fighting myself but i m new at this site and i hope to never encounter this problem.i m just here to focus on my work and try to become a writer someday and i wish you all to the same!I do agree tho on your suggestion about fighting.it is imature, and very childish and yes, the battles should be done in private or off this site.But indviduals all see things differant and tend to do crazy things or even say crazy things.Its the society we live in that makes this world crazy.Its just dealing with them.I also thing that if you all belive someone is in the wrong, you should express it and be very blunt about it.Thats how i am and i usually don't hold back!!!

05-23-2009 at 02:02:42 PM

Re: Why use poetry to settle your petty fights!!

lol are you serious there are people argueing and fighting on here......wow well guess there are always the occasional bad apples.....long as it isnt tooo bad where that is all you see or hear.. I personally hate forums like that.

05-24-2009 at 04:57:13 AM

Re: Why use poetry to settle your petty fights!!

cool poets don't fight. They just write poems about cool stuff.

c'mon kurai didn't you ever fight?

I think fighting is a good way to clear the air and tell others what you really thinking.

05-24-2009 at 04:58:51 AM

Re: Why use poetry to settle your petty fights!!

Everyone who posted on this thread likes the drama of a good fight. Let's you see who's good and who's bad and who's wrong or right for a change.

Everyone on this thread is fooling themselves about not liking fighting.

05-24-2009 at 09:50:22 AM

Re: Why use poetry to settle your petty fights!!

I like a good fight trust me lol.....but every thing has its appropriate time and place. Why fight with someone becuz there style is not yours or their opinion differs?
A intellectual debate and a petty name calling fight are two different arenas to me. If I wanted to see petty fights I'd go to a Jr. High School chat room lol.

05-24-2009 at 07:43:48 PM

Re: Why use poetry to settle your petty fights!!

Please read my post entitled "Humans are smarter than dogs" on this forum.

08-09-2009 at 03:04:41 AM

Re: Why use poetry to settle your petty fights!!

maybe they aint! dogs that is. lol

Poetry is not the expression of personality but an escape from personality.

T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.