Original Poetry Forums

On The Edge Of Woods

10-22-2009 at 01:33:06 AM
  • WatashLegend
  • WatashLegend
  • Posts: 67

Re: On The Edge Of Woods

5 4 leaves

10-27-2009 at 06:14:54 PM

Re: On The Edge Of Woods

On the edge of the woods
Oh the colors I see.
On the edge of the woods is where I wish to be.
For on the edge of the woods,
there are only a few steps to take.
Steps to enter the most beautiful place,
where I find myself surrounded with wonders.
Surrounded with beauty and amazing things.
For in the woods nothing is ever the same.
Things are always growing, changing, never the same.
Each tree, leaf and plant is forever changing.
But what of the sounds and smells we find.
The birds constantly calling for love and for warning.
On those rare times when only silence is calling.
Those are the times I find most filled with the most wonderful thoughts
that come from within my heart, my soul, my most inner thoughts.
A feeling of peace, harmony and oneness with the Earth.
This is my most happiest place.
On the edge of the woods is a nice place to be,
but within it's colorful folds is where I dream to be.

10-30-2009 at 08:06:40 PM

Re: On The Edge Of Woods

The owls I hear at the edge of the woods

On the edge of the woods is where I stood tonight.
On the quiet still eve of Halloween.
I listened for a noise that I yearn to hear.
The owls I know that hunt from the trees quite near.

I stood real still and kept my eyes quite sharp.
I hoped that by chance I would be blessed to see,
one of my owl friends looking down at me from his perch in a tree.
Each tree stood out clear as a bell.
White clouds formed a perfect backdrop for my dream to come true.
But I felt just as happy to just be able to hear.

Quietly I stood listening, listening real close.
Each call different, but with almost the same notes.
One owl was before me, with one to my right.
Yet another called from deeper within the night.

Their calls have a special meaning for me.
For owls are extra special creatures you see.
The can only be heard on very still nights.
They can never be heard when they are in flight.

An owls feathers are quite different from other birds that you see.
They are so soft, look and feel life velvet you see.
That is how they can fly so very silently.

One ear is always higher then the other to help him to find his prey.
It is almost like radar some people say.
Their prey can be as quiet as possible,
but what an owl cant see he can hear as clear as can be.

Their heads can move quite amazingly.
They can pivot them almost 360 degrees.
Which greatly helps with whichever sense they use.
They can hunt in total darkness as no other bird can.
Sleep in the day is their most likely trend.

So, owls have a special meaning for me.
There calls are like a song written only for me.
So clear and strong that they can be heard from afar,
But so close to me, I'm so happy they are.

10-30-2009 at 08:12:32 PM

Re: On The Edge Of Woods

Kage here, i like this poem it had me wanting to read it i love birds and can amagine you as you stood there

10-30-2009 at 08:34:45 PM

Re: Re: On The Edge Of Woods

Originally Posted by kage

Kage here, i like this poem it had me wanting to read it i love birds and can amagine you as you stood there

Thanks it is a memory that I will treasure forever.

10-30-2009 at 08:42:24 PM

Re: On The Edge Of Woods

Very nice visuals in this poem. I like your description of each little detail. Nice job!

When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.

John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA